Thursday, March 28, 2013


The Sierras . . . always special and I miss the views.    Jennifer caught this shot as the rain was hitting the snow on the mountain top and made it look like a water fall.     Thanks to her Facebook entries I get to copy a picture of Nevada scenes and still smile as some folks think of Nevada as one of the ugly states.   It certainly has a lot of brown patches but it also has more beauty than one can imagine.    It really is one of my favorite places.  I am looking forward to a trip with my son John this year to go and visit son Michael, my friend Helen and her family and catch up with some of the old haunts.  I will take my camera and share a tale or two when I return.

Now this is clever and one way to wish everyone a Happy Easter.    How sweet and how colorful.   Bet they taste great.

wild turkey country . . . Jock and Patricia were out walking around this area.     It looks a bit wild to me, can almost see a bear or two . . . this city bred gal has no sense of the wild;   It is truly beautiful and you can hear silence, unless you have a 'turkey caller' and make a special noise to call them out and they come at full run and so would I, the other each his own, I'll stick to buying my turkey at the market place.

It is Thursday of Holy Week, two more Lenten days and then Easter Sunday will be here....Yeah!!!  About time, I am beginning to think lent will be going on forever as my taste buds perk up when I see all the Easter specials.   I am thinking of what desert I would like to have and, at this moment, it is strawberry short cake, one of my most favorites.   The new berries in the market are beautiful in color and size, so maybe I'll  make up some biscuits and that will be my special treat.  I still have a couple of days to make up my mind.    How about you?    Are you planning to prepare a big ham feast?    What is your favorite desert?     Will you be the chief cook and bottle washer?    Or, will you go out to a fancy brunch and just relax and enjoy a special buffet?    Whatever you decide, may you find delicious food to eat, good company to enjoy and don't forget to toast the end of lent and the beginning of a new Spring and brand new beginnings to your life.    Sprout up through the winter blahs and become a useful loving human being with a smile in your eyes and warm and loving arms to hug with . . .good deeds for special needs .   Hugs to all.

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