Saturday, March 23, 2013

More as Promised

The beautiful cacti of Arizona, colors to make the heart sing.  How can one look at a prickly cactus and think such beauty will emerge.  Makes me think of people and how many surprise us with their inner beauty.

Different . . . like people, all different and all with a beauty all their own.   We just have to stop and peek and find what is hidden in within the folds of their outside covers.

Blue Bells, the color of Mary's cape, a sign of hope.   Think of the aspirations you can say when you find a field or even a roadside covered with the magic blue flowers.    How can one imagine the suffering of this one mother who had to stand by and watch her only son crucified.     Lent brings about a reminder of the historical times when injustice and fear spread like a field of wild flowers;    is history repeating itself today?   

Here is Donaleo inside of what could be a special church or mosque in Istanbul, Turkey.     He looks like he removed his shirt.  I have heard of removing ones shoes but a shirt??? I have to wait for some words from him as to the where and why of this particular visit.    It will be a great celebration when he and Erin return from their wanderings and show us all of their pictures and tell the tales that go with them.  Be patient.  I'll share.

So, today is Saturday, the first day of your weekend.    One more week of lent and then Easter Sunday.    I wonder what the weather will be like as I do remember Easter mornings when there was snow falling and the children went off to church in their Easter finery covered in snow suits.    The Mary Janes waited until they could take the boots off.   But, there were many an Easter Sunday that turned out to be warm with sunshine and it was such fun to see the Easter Parade when ladies wore hats, big hats, with flowers.    Like most holidays there are special foods associated with the day and Easter seems to have taken on ham as its leader although I think lamb was the choice many years ago when spring lambs came about and the older ones became the baked leg of lamb with mint jelly or a crowned roast that looked like a king's crown.   What ever you choose for your special Easter feast, I hope it is delicious and tender and you will find ways to share with family and friends.     Meanwhile there is a food bank in need;    candles that need lighting and a hand of friendship to be shared.     Easter means awakening, so wake up and smell the spring flowers and get on with living the best life you can.  Don't forget to smile with your eyes and if you are handing out a hug or two, I'll be first in line.     Hugs to all.

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