Thursday, January 31, 2013


I hope you can see the finished puzzle.   I spent a lot of time trying to bring it up and out but to no avail.  This is what I got and this is what I'll have to show this morning.    One more puzzle hard puzzle to do, a mystery puzzle and no real clues in the story to tell us 'who done it' . . . not enough clues and so many questions.   It was fun to do, frustrating at times but then when it is completed and all the pieces are there ...aah.....satisfaction and a tiny bit of pride for a job well done.

We have a new one, a cartoon form and another mystery but it will probably remain so.    This one is going to be very difficult as the pieces seem to fit fine but upon closer look they do not fit where you put them.    It is a challenge and a fun one, keeps one busy when the winds are blowing and the rain is teeming down.    Of course I have chores to do and other things that need attention but a puzzle on the table always makes for fun and when someone comes in the door they head right for the table, sit themselves down and start looking for just one piece, but, like peanuts one is never enough.

So today, go to the store and look around at the puzzles.   It has probably been a long time since you even thought to do one, but don't be shy, choose one and take it home, open up that box and look at those thousand pieces and start organizing.  Before long you wont have a worry in the world and you will have to put yourself on a timer to remind yourself to get up and move.  Put on some of your favorite tunes and have yourself some quiet time.  Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This gentleman made history by owning a Royal Royce made in England some eighty years ago.  His father gave him the car for a graduation present and he used it every day of his life.   He took excellent care of it and when he died he left it to a museum.  The car was built in Britain and the caption mentioned something about cars not being built like that anymore.    So much for taking notes.    Imagine having a car all those years and using it every day, driving thousand of  miles and having the car stand up without so much as a ding in it.    I'd say this man deserved a medal, maybe even the Queen's garter.

Good old Hillary has made headlines with her remarks and a political cartoonist has added a few who love to have had the courage of their convictions..     I heard on television this week that Hilary Clinton is the most admired woman in history......why?    I suppose some think so, but she has an awful lot to account for.    She aspires to be President of the United States; 

So today, if you have high aspirations, good luck, I wish you well.    I hope you work hard at making them come true for you.    We all know that it takes second by second steps to attain the dreams and hope for our future.     Each one of us has the responsibility to be the best we can be so, if you aspire to be a painter be a good one on canvas or a wall;   if you aspire to be a parent be a little selfish so your child will not expect the world with a fence around it . . . and if you aspire to be a singer then you already know you have to breathe in and let the words sing out.    If you aspire for riches then go to work and save you money, then blow it on a lovely trip to somewhere you have always wanted to go . . . and take me with you.  Meanwhile, dream a little, smile a lot, give out a big hug or two and have yourself a memory making day.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


A beautiful sight,

A metal worker had no problem setting up his work for all to see and enjoy.  The Stations of the Cross.    Hope it lasts forever.     A reminder that in two week lent will start;  that's what the travelers are telling me as they are in Venice and it is Carnival time.    We are to see pictures and hear all about it when the twosome stops long enough from having so much fun.   Donaleo tells me his grandmother Norma will join them if I do .....I'd like to do just that but I had to tell him I would have to win the lottery first then I'd pick her up on my way to join them but did remind him we like to travel first class.

I mentioned yesterday that I had been invited to read at one of the senior residences but  I got a call from Linda, one of the ladies who helps to oversee the residence.   I got all dressed up and ready to go when I got a call saying they had the flu bug descend on them.    One of the folks had to go to the hospital, so seniors are to beware as it seems the flu is lethal.   Linda didn't think I should risk catching it and she's right, as I don't want it and I certainly don't need it.   Hopefully I'll be lucky and not catch even a slight cold this winter.     So far so good.    So today, if you are out and about be sure to be careful and stay  as healthy and happy as you can.  

Keep in mind winter does not last forever and it is our season to enjoy a slower pace in our quality of living.    The weather leads and when the storms come it slows us all down and maybe that is what we need.  It is a good time to catch up with all those projects you started, and a good time to do those chores that don't show . .  cupboards and drawers and closets . . . or the garage, now there is a place to keep you busy for the rest of the season.    Enjoy the day no matter what the season, you really do not have to have special reasons to sing at the top of your lungs, smile with your eyes and lend a helping hand where needed.     Blessings to each and everyone, may your seconds be measured in smiles today.  Hugs to all. 

Monday, January 28, 2013


How crazy can you get?    I wouldn't eat at one of the tables at this place if they paid me.   I get chills just looking.

I've seen pictures of iron workers having lunch up high in the sky . . . better them than me.

How did he get out there and why?    Maybe he has a death wish.   I like my views from a solid pathway with lots of earth around my feet.

What if he rolls over?  

Well, I don't know about you but I have a big fear of heights.    I remember once, a very long time ago, trying to gather courage to get on a sky lift and ride up  to the top of a mountain just to see the view.   I took a while to be convinced I wouldn't fall out of the chair lift and I did go and was glad I did as the view was spectacular but I never did it again.    Standing on the step of a kitchen stool is about as high as I go and at this age it isn't always the smartest thing to do.    Oh well, to each his own.   The attachment that came in with all the pictures was interesting enough but I still think the idiots who are pictured  have a 'screw' loose or are just overly pure 'nuts'.  Let's face it, I am only comfortable with both feet on the ground.

So today if someone invites you to sit on the edge of nothing, think before you agree as you may be one of those folks who has a bit of queasiness just thinking about heights.    If you are listening to me, you will smile and wish them well on their journey and then go off on one of your own with both feet on the ground.  It is Monday, all day,  the start of a new week, one I hope will have some wonders within it.    Today, I have been invited to read to someone in a senior residence;  wish me luck.   It sounds like fun . . . think about it and maybe you can volunteer when you have some free time.   Did you know you can put a smile in your voice?   Well, you can . . . try it.  Hugs to all.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


One of the statues in the Sistine Chapel.    Now that is a body in good shape.    Erin and Donaleo didn't send any words with the picture so I have no idea who it represents.   I guess we will  just have to go and see for ourselves . . . I like that idea. 

Another of Sharon Guinn's art work.    I think I put this beauty on once before.   It has such a peaceful feeling about it, so a second viewing wont hurt at all.   

So today, Sunday all day, try to get out for a bit and go and visit a gallery and fill your mind with beautiful art work.   When I first arrived here in Brookings the main street was filled with local galleries and the artists displayed their work with pride and hope.    Ten years down the line and most are closed.  The economy is bad, no one can afford to buy and place beautiful original art in their homes.    We still have a few galleries,  but how sad to see the empty store fronts.   There are several artists that continue with the Saturday Art Walk each month and have convinced some of the store owners to open a space for them to show their work.    It brings a little class to the shops and the artist gets to display their latest creations.    If the rains hold off, I might just take a walk up town and see what gallery is still open and get a little exercise.   If not, then I have a good book going as I have a Tom Clancy book going, a first for me as I always thought his books were technical, but, I am finding out he is a great writer and right now I am in the midst of intrigue and the mystique of fighting the terrorists;  almost like hearing a television news cast.     Of course there is cookie baking to do as the jar is empty.   I know, I know, I do not need the extra calories but coffee or tea breaks without a little something 'good' is unthinkable.  I am one of those who think that sweets in brings the sweet of you out .... chocolate bits just have a way of making one smile.   Make your Sunday a 'sweet' one no matter what you choose to do.     Hugs to all.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Another mother and baby . . . Life is good when there are lots of hugs and kisses to go around.    Spread a few in all directions today and see how it makes you feel.  I'm waiting!

A brand new edition to Sharon Guinn's art work.   She is doing something digitally, how and what is beyond me but when she next visits she will tell me all about it.    There was a joke attachment around this week about the five areas in a woman's life and she thought this one would have been a good addition for the menopausal stage.....I thought she looked  a bit like Madonna on a bad hair day.  

Our travelers are going here today.   It is the "Edge of the Sea" Vernozza, Italy.    I'd like to be along to walk through the streets and meet the locals.   Hopefully Erin will write about he visit there and send a picture or two before long.    Pat got to see and talk with her daughter on Skype this week and tells me she looks great and is having the time of her life.   

So hopefully you are having the time of your life, or at least thinking about plans to make so you can have 'the time of your life';   don't be afraid of the big world out there as there are many places to see and so many wonderful people to meet.    When you do pack to go off on a vacation trip, be sure you pack your smiles as they open the door to friendships you never thought about.   Keep practicing until your eyes light up and your lips part and you will add some new and interesting folks into your life.    Start planning it will  make the winter months fly by.    Hugs to all.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Donaleo is a master of the dance and knows so many that he is off teaching whenever , and wherever, he can.   Right now he is in Rome and found someone to dance with.    I don't know what this kind of dancing is called.   I would call it gymnastics set to music, certainly not the jitterbug of my time, although I think they do a bit of that now and then.   

Yeah, I'm one of those.    Once you develop a friendship with books you are never satisfied until you add more and more to your bookcases.    

An author with a sense of humor that taught children how to read the easy way.    We spent hours enjoying each book as it came out.    I still pick one up when I see one and although I do not collect them, I do appreciate them and share them with little ones.   They bring smiles to your heart as you read "The Cat in the Hat";   "One Fish, Two Fish" ,  and who can not say that they have not read "Green Eggs and Ham" . . . unpalatable but so much fun.

So today grab a book and give yourself a bit of down time.    The week is all but over and January is all but gone.  Winter is in its best phase of icy cold, hard winds and misery for some;  a good time to grab your book and find a cozy nook.    It is great if you are young and energetic and can go skiing, sliding down a hillside , cross country skiing or ice skating, now that would be fun.   That all sounds like fun but I'm with the group that finds a nook and there I'll be with a book, a cup of hot coffee to sip and grin and bare it as the new weekend is about to start.    As the song says "let the world go away", not a bad idea as we hear all the negative news and threats.    Enjoy your winter weekend hopefully laughing out loud.    Hugs to all.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Door Knobs

A wondrous sight,  the elements do not always behave.  It looks like a window was made just for the folks who wanted a little light on their boat ride.   How eerie and how mysterious.

Son John has been collecting doorknobs, not to collect but to replenish the worn doorknobs in Jo's almost century old 'brownstone'.  He said that they were beautiful, had swirls much like the old glassies we used to play with years ago.   I am betting some were made of Bakelite and that material lasts forever.  

Here are the rim lock sets that go with the knobs.   He seems to know the how and whys of putting these together.    As for me, I'm waiting for an invitation to see the finished products....a new kitchen. . . hardwood floors brought back to life and door knobs on all the doors.

So today, if you have a labor of love, then get to it.  There is nothing more satisfying in life than to go on a hunting trip to find the illusive pieces needed to make the old new again.   There is so much beauty in the old furnishings that were more than not 'made in America' and last a lifetime.     So go  to antique shops, yard sales and find treasures that will make your house a home.  Surround yourself with the textures and colors that make you come alive.     Home is where the heart is and only you can make your home sparkle with your personality and pride.     Invite me when you decide to use that new kitchen and if you are asking, hot apple pie and vanilla ice cream would be a special treat.   I'll even buy the apples and ice cream.     Enjoy the day . . .it is really yours to enjoy.   Hugs to all.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Musing on a Rainy Afternoon

The name I do not know but beauty shines from within as these flowers show.

There has been a lot of talk about being depressed and there are many reasons for feeling depressed, but what does it mean to you?   I thought I'd look the word up in the dictionary and see what it says . . .

According to the dictionary 'depression' means. 1. a. The act of depressing.  b. The condition of being depressed.  2.  An area that is sunk below its surrounds, hollow.  3.  Meterol.  A region of low barometric pressure.   4. the angular distance below the horizontal plane through the point of observation.  5. Aston.  The angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon.  6.  A reduction in activity or force.  7.  The condition of feeling sad and melancholy.  8. Pyschiat.  A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of dejection and guilt.  9.  Econ.  A period of drastic decline in the national economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices and unemployment.

Now, there is a word that has meaning for each and every one of us.   nine special meanings to be exact.  When you feel depressed you have a choice . . . I didn't think about that.

Depressing one thing is easy for it depends on what it is you want to smash and obliterate.  As far as the condition, well, you have to expect that once you depress something it isn't going to be pretty.  As for an area sunk, we all know that one, in fact we just had a huge sink hole in front of City Hall (wonder if the good Lord was sending them a message) , but it is back to smooth and normal and traffic flows, and as far as I can tell there have been no changes in the raise tax minds of our city leaders.

I know little about meterol, but then it must be the dictionary people are saying it is Meteorology, then the low barometric pressure must have to do with our winter weather.   Lots of folks throughout the country are feeling real true winter weather and the news is filled with stories of car pile ups and blizzard snow conditions along with very low temperatures,which could bring on depression.

Astron.  Short for Astronomy, I'm sure, wonder why it isn't spelled out. . . but, in this case it seems to be an angular distance between celestial bodies below the horizon.  It has to be special as I haven't seen any celestial bodies above or below the horizon lately.  Of course someone would have to identify the bodies for us to know if they are celestial or not.
Now, feeling sad and melancholy . . . I've been down that road once or twice in my life.  It is never what you would call  a fun trip, rather sad and it seems to last forever, but . . . once you get the hang of the pain it causes, you soon leave it behind and get on with your life.   Life is an adventure.  Life is a trip.  Life is for the living and we have been charged to live our lives every second of the day.  We don't always like it, but then there are times that make up for those depressed and melancholy moments and we learn to 'sing and dance in the rain.'

Pyschiat (wish they finished that word, but, to my thinking it is a neurotic condition, and each of us has had that condition effect our lives . . an inability to concentrate, insomnia and feelings of dejection and guilt . . . wow . . . someone must have gone to confession . . . or was it a bit of hangover and not remembering all the foolish things one did . . . um . . . think about that one for a few minutes and you could come up with a cure for your neurotic condition.

Number nine is the winner.   It is like someone directed us to the dictionary to find the world that depicts what is on going in our lives at this moment.  'failing economy;  unemployment and "falling" prices. . . I think not....from what I see every shopping day,  higher prices  and I can prove it as my "Friends Baked Beans" have gone from ninety-nine cents a can to two dollars and twenty nine cents and that is just this past year.  It has to be a misnomer in the dictionary  about prices falling, the author must have been thinking of the good old days when you could buy a can of Friends Boston baked beans for thirty-nine cents a can.  Nothing was added about living on borrowed money, lack of leadership, moment to moment crisis which leads me think about how we are all heading into 'depression.'

It is fun to muse on a rainy day, try it , you might find out you like it.     Hugs to all.

Meet Cezar

Meet Pauline's great grandson.  Here he is with his mother, Fanny, and if you look real close you will see he did get his mother's beautiful eyes.    I am betting he is quite a charmer and his grandmother must think so as she sent a great group of pictures we have all been waiting for.

Well some days are better than others and crying is good ;  it certainly gets a lot of attention.   It just goes to show Cezar is going to be a man of many expressions.       What happiness, joy and love he brings to his family.    Thanks for sharing Pauline;  how lucky you are to have great grandchildren to brighten your life.

So today, I hope that you have babies in your life to bring you lots of love and laughter.     My grand girl, Erin, is off visiting in Italy at the moment and she is having an adventure she never thought she would have.    She and Donaleo met a 'friendly stranger from Tunsia' who invited them to a farmers market where they found a variety of produce and they bought some to stay in and cook today.    Erin tells of sightseeing and taking time to do a 'shoot' of a dancer from Morocco.   They are on their way to a Kizumba workshop in Genoa and will see Pisa and Cirque Terrel and five villages on the way .  I am excited for her and wait patiently for news of her adventures.  Oh to be young and full of vim and vigor and making good use of it all.   All it takes is the courage of your own convictions;  so be courageous and do something special for you today as you go out there in the wicked world with a smile on your face and a lot of love in your heart.    Hugs to all.

He loves applesauce and wears it well.     What a cutie.    

All dressed up and ready to go out for a walk.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


A good reminder to use our words carefully as once spoken they can never be called back.    

One of natures strange and awesome sights.   Butterflies come in all sizes and shapes, along with colors that delight the eye.

A rose is a rose, is a rose.   This one certainly is different and amazing.

Roll Over . . . like an Octogenarian it can use a little help.
So today roll over and get some exercise, take time to smell the flowers and send your thoughts up to the highest bough of a tree and when you speak , speak softly.     Today is a brand new day and you can go about it with a good attitude, knowing that you possess the strength and faith in yourself to get done the things that you have been putting off for awhile.    Some verbal hugs may be needed by someone who has lost a family member.   Someone may be in the throws of depression and could use a hug.   One never knows what is going on with others, be it friend or foe, and a little touch, a smile, an understanding look may be all they need to find their way.    Make up your mind and heart to reach out and make someone happy . . . now there is a tune to sing....."Make someone happy" . . . brings 'the snoz' to mind. . . Jimmy Durante.    Maybe you know the words, if so, sing out and smile with your eyes, open up those arms and share a hug or two . . . makes me feel good thinking about it.   Hugs to all.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Different and Beautiful

Here is a flower I have never seen before.    Jock will know.    It is a strange beauty as the center reminds me of a grapefruit, or an orange , as the purple and blue stamen bring out the depth of color in the bowl;   a mystery flower and really quite beautiful.

This is a picture of the largest church in Hallgrauskirkja, Iceland.     A beauty all its own.   I wonder  at its awesome height.     I bet it is as beautiful inside as it is on the outside.    One more place to add to your must see list when you decide to travel and see our world.    

One of the Anheuser Bush ponies, now that has to be one of the most beautiful beasts on earth....look at those feet, love its coat of black and white , a black mane and a mixed tail;  'who could ask for anything more'.  Speaking of ponies, I had a call from Mike and it is eight degrees up there in Nevada.    He said they had a new colt, a complete surprise as no one knew the horse was pregnant.  It was just bought last May and the owner , without knowing, got two for the price of one.    Mike said it is a beauty and of course will be the princess of the stables.    I wonder what they will name her.    Hopefully I'll get a picture to share with you, but don't hold your breath.

So today, Monday, yeah . . . the start of a new week;  that has to be the most used expression we know.   It is Inauguration Day although President Obama and Vice President Bidon took their oath of office yesterday in separate places.    I hate to spoil the event, but with the economy so bad and people homeless and out of work , the money being spent on this event is ludicrous.     Those that are running the show have police officers from all over the country for crowd control, think of that cost alone.     It has been a three day event with more to come , talk about waste, talk about spending, talk about politicians putting on a circus . . . let's not talk about it, let us watch and wait and see what 'hope and change' is coming our way in the next four years.      Hold on to your hat, it might be a long hard ride.  On the other side of the story, it is Martin Luther King Day, maybe it will be a shared day.  Now it is up to our Senators and Congressmen to put some strength in their convictions and start representing the people for there are many issues to be resolved.    Wish them well and get on with your day to day living, one second at a time. 

As an aside, I sent out a fantastic and wondrous attachment with pictures by Anna Kastranko which were supposedly all painted by her and they were absolutely awesome . . .  but, I learned later that there are two Anna Kastranko's one a photographer and the other an artist.    So I think the pictures were photographs and not paintings as suggested.     I tried to Google her name to see if I could pick up some of the paintings but had no luck.   I wanted to see if the artist Anna was anywhere near as brilliant as the photographer.      I hope so.
So let a smile be your umbrella whether it is sunshine or raining in your area.     We had sun yesterday so took a ride to the Port to see the waves coming in from Japan and they were touted as many and rough.  Warnings were out not to walk close to the water or go surfing but people ignored the warnings.    There is tons of driftwood on the beach.   It was not a tsunami, but it was a good show as the waves came in four and five at a time , rollers, long dark green and rolled over as frothy thundrous waves.   A beauty all its own.    Hugs to all. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Here is a rare picture of the three Kennedy men when they were very young.  Joseph and Rose Kennedy raised a very large family and the three boys went on to become successful in politics.    John was President, Bobby was going to run for President, and Teddy was in Congress for his lifetime.   The family was plagued with horrible and sad events as two were assisnated and one died a natural death.    Their children are still carrying the family banner and are in politics to this day.   A family that brought both joy and sadness to our world.     May they rest in peace.

I only heard of marathon dances but never participated in one.    We danced the night away many a night but this is carrying it a bit too far.    The picture has a story to tell.   It looks like the ladies have a bit more staying power than the men.  

The last of the camouflage pictures.   Keep looking you will find the owl.    

This beautiful bird was the topic of conversation yesterday when Judy called from Colorado where it is very cold and she took time out for a phone visit.     I wish you knew Judy as she is one young lady who can make your day.  She is funny and she has stories to tell and tells them with gusto and such humor that you find yourself laughing out loud.    This bird was dubbed Peatie and loved to talk.   He listened well and even had a chance to be an actor in a local play.   He had a very small part until he decided to fly around the theater and land on stage to sit on an actor's shoulder.    He did such a great job he got true billing.   He learned names easily and greeted everyone when they came in the door.    A smart bird and well loved until the day he died.      She had many tales to tell and I am still laughing.    Thanks Judy for making my day.  I hope you find another Peatie to love.

So today, Sunday, a day to sleep in . . . sleep in?  I don't think it is something I can ever do.    It is about three thirty or so and I am wide awake.     I don't intend to stay that am off to make coffee, turn on the television and cuddle up in my favorite chair and you know I will be snoozing away in a few minutes.  There is something about television and ads that makes sleeping in ones chair very easy.     So hopefully you are sleeping and in a deep dream about something wonderful.   When you wake up, make sure you have a good breakfast, a walk about, and a day to remember.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Here is Erin busy making a special dish for her host family.    She and Donaleo love to cook and from what she writes they are being well fed along the way.  She wrote, "So far, we have stayed with one gracious, music loving, and hilarious Italian family.  They have fed us until we are literally sleeping in our chairs, asking if we want more cookies, tea or dessert.  After having a first course , a plate of pasta, second course meat, or soup, then fruit, dessert,caffe, and tea and cookies.  Luckily siestas are normal after lunch!"

It is cold there but they are bundled up.   She wrote, "Around seven p.m.we are taken to see Roma nightlife, walk about the historical center, cute neighboring alleyways hidden within Rome."  The background looks like the Treve Fountain, sure hope they tossed a coin in.

This reminded me of Erin.  she loved to dance and to this day she never misses a beat.    Her next experience is to go  with a Brazilian dancer who will be their next host.   They have been invited for two weeks, but they may head north to Florence to help her teach in a salsa/bachata workshop.  

Bless those who teach others to read for they open up minds to the magic of words.    Bless the writers for their ability to tell a story and entice you into a world you would never visit otherwise.   

So today, the beginning of your weekend, may the seconds go slowly so you can enjoy a great meal, good friends, a walk about for exercise and a siesta with a good book in hand.      Make today 'your' day , add a little music, sing on or off key in the shower and let the hot misty water wash away all your cares.     Enjoy the day!  There is a Roman expression for that but I can't think of it.    Put a smile on your face , hugs to embrace and the world becomes your oyster, or clam, or whatever you want it to be.     Hugs to all.

Friday, January 18, 2013

New Things

"Above and Beyond" a fitting title for the Vietnam Vets.   They deserved praise and honor for fighting a political war that was a disaster from start to finish.    Our praise and thanks to these men who braved such atrocities and for having the courage to come back and get on with their lives.    
Hey Bob, here is that little beauty sitting in a place of honor on the back porch.    How creative you are and what a great job you did of the tiny birdhouse made out of wine corks.  There isn't a wine drinker who wouldn't love to have one.   I had to wait for some light to get a picture and then through the glass doors as it was very cold out there.   We are having what is called the Chetco Effect and that means gray days with heavy fog and frosty cold.   Christine gifted me with the wrought iron holder and her last year bird house is behind your cabin.    It took son John a little while to put things together for me, but here it is in all its glory looking GREAT!!! Thank you and Andrea for thinking of me and the birds may nest in it this year, I hope;  I love watching them.

And here is the new puzzle top.  Isn't it a beauty?  John and Jo made sure I was well 'puzzled' as along with the top came two mystery puzzles and a friend added a another too.  The puzzle frame turns which is something special as now you do not have to walk around the table to find the illusive piece, just turn the top around and it comes to you.    The puzzle is one of mystery and I have no idea who did the dastardly deed but maybe we will find out when the puzzle is finished, if ever, as the pieces are small, do not stay together which is frustrating and have the same or very similar colors everywhere...a challenge....yeah....a good one and Pat and I are having fun with it.

So today, if you got loving presents, big and small, for Christmas, brag about them  and don't forget to send a thank you note or call the special  folks in your life who gifted you.    I have a new foot bath which I haven't used yet, but it is beginning to stare at me so I had better try it out.    I have a new sweater in light lavender that is a beauty and I have my Halston and my Nantucket Briar so smell heavenly;   special gifts from special family...oh, and songs by Matt Monroe, if you haven't heard his voice....sigh....then see if you can find one of his albums.    He does all the old classics and does them well.  I have a new copper candle holder, special chocolate for my ice cream, a lovely apron which helps put the fun in cooking and a picture of a new dandy lion ready to spread its little thistles before becoming a full fledged 'weed'.   All that and a big  check to save for a trip, or to blow anyway I choose.  And I got some of the most delicious pears from Jock which I did share as they were just to delicious to eat all by myself.     My neighbor made the usual brandy fruit cakes and I recieved three of them, two gone already and I did share the third...delicious, even if you do wrinkle your nose.    I got fudge and chocolates which disappeared quickley, cannot imagine who ate them all.... and a lovely angel for my tree.  It is January,  already half over, so get busy and send out your thank you notes, call, write, text, skype, just do something and soon.   Send your love along with a kiss and a hug and let your family and friends know how much you appreciate them.   I wouldn't trade my family and friends for all the tea in China.   It is Friday, now that  is a gift all its own.    Hugs to all.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our travelers

Here is another camouflage picture for you to figure out.   A mother owl and her baby.    Mother's and babies, make the world go around and around.  We just couldn't do without them.

John is making his way to the east coast and is having a wonderful road trip as he just left Salt Lake City, Utah and drove across the Wasatch mountains, on to Wyoming and stopped in Nebraska where he is going to check the weather reports and figure out which way he wants to go.    So far the weather has remained perfect for driving but cold.  This picture was taken in California just as the geese were taking off.

John took this picture of Lake Tahoe, California side, as he was driving up to Gardnerville to have dinner with his brother Michael.   They had a great visit but Michael had to leave early as the cold weather hasn't let up and a pipe burst meaning hard work for the fellows on the ranch.  
Meanwhile, there are no pictures from Erin yet, but I know she is busy taking many.    Her last e mail was great.  She said the Internet and its availability is not as easy as back home.   At the moment she was at a small lake town staying with one of  the sisters who lives not far from Rome.   I assume this is part of the host family they just visited in Rome.  They had hot chocolate with real true chocolate melted down, which was very rich.  She had polenta with red sauce and simmered meats on top which was delicious.  I hope she is collecting a recipe or two in her travels.  There were two small boys, one eight and the other ten, and they loved hanging out with them as they played video games.   The conversation was about music and dance as they are all into music.   She tells of driving along the coast to a town where Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes.    They saw a castle in their travels, and  found a medieval town to walk around.
Erin said she was a bit frustrated using the computer and likened it to grandma's computer, meaning mine is slow but it works and I wouldn't complain as a faster one would probably slow me down.
She will be going to Pisa, Florence and Venice.  What a fun time she is having and what memories she will have to share when she returns to us.    Her last comment was that everything was old and beautiful.

So today, enjoy the pictures and words of our travelers.   Know that one day you will make a decision to travel and see the world that surrounds you.    There really truly are wonderful places and beautiful faces to catch up with in this life time.     Save your pennies as they turn into dollars which will get you to where you want to it another state her in the USA which has so much beauty of its own, or another country where you will fill your heart and soul with the age and beauty of the beginning world.   In the meantime add a travel book to your reading list.   Pick out one of the spots on your wish list and read up on the areas you intend to visit.   You will prepare yourself for sights and sounds you never knew existed.    Pack a smile and take it with you when you go. I sit here talking about travel . . . and . . . wishing every second I could pack a suit case and me feel good just thinking about it.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Came to say Goodnight

How about this for an idea.   Take all those little gadget phones and set them on the table and the first one to pick one up and use it at the dinner table gets to pay the bill if you are at a restaurant, but if you are at home, doing the dishes, not in a dishwasher, would be the penalty.   Good idea!!

Judy, of Colorado, is having 'cold' so she took a picture of her outside thermometer to show us just how cold it is... BRR!!!  Better her than us as she is used to it.     Hang in there Judy, it is bound to warm up sooner or later.    Get out those long johns and dress in layers and sit by the fireplace, no walking out for you until it gets up there a bit.  I'm cold just looking at the picture.

How clever.  A book watering can and little brain cells.    Every teacher should have this picture in her class room.  The children would do well to have one in their bedroom.    Reading makes the brain happy and a happy brain makes for a very smart child.     What a way to visit places and learn all about the world we live in.    A travel magazine came in today with pictures and words to whet the appetite...Spain, Italy, Ireland and on and on.....the languages, the food, the scenery and true journey even when you do not leave your favorite chair.

We talked about imagination yesterday.   Wish I had this picture then, so I could have put it up so you could have enjoyed it along with the conversation.    A wonderful way to depict the beauty and pride in owning books that can take you away from yourself and into a world of magic.   
Well I actually came on to the computer to experiment and see what it was that was holding me back from showing more than one picture so I tried poking around and found the answer, I think, and if so, I'll be back in the morning to say hello and show off a few more pictures as we follow our wanderers.
Have a good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.    Have sweet dreams when you get there.   Say a prayer or two and tuck yourself in .  See you in the morning.   Hugs to all.