Saturday, January 19, 2013


Here is Erin busy making a special dish for her host family.    She and Donaleo love to cook and from what she writes they are being well fed along the way.  She wrote, "So far, we have stayed with one gracious, music loving, and hilarious Italian family.  They have fed us until we are literally sleeping in our chairs, asking if we want more cookies, tea or dessert.  After having a first course , a plate of pasta, second course meat, or soup, then fruit, dessert,caffe, and tea and cookies.  Luckily siestas are normal after lunch!"

It is cold there but they are bundled up.   She wrote, "Around seven p.m.we are taken to see Roma nightlife, walk about the historical center, cute neighboring alleyways hidden within Rome."  The background looks like the Treve Fountain, sure hope they tossed a coin in.

This reminded me of Erin.  she loved to dance and to this day she never misses a beat.    Her next experience is to go  with a Brazilian dancer who will be their next host.   They have been invited for two weeks, but they may head north to Florence to help her teach in a salsa/bachata workshop.  

Bless those who teach others to read for they open up minds to the magic of words.    Bless the writers for their ability to tell a story and entice you into a world you would never visit otherwise.   

So today, the beginning of your weekend, may the seconds go slowly so you can enjoy a great meal, good friends, a walk about for exercise and a siesta with a good book in hand.      Make today 'your' day , add a little music, sing on or off key in the shower and let the hot misty water wash away all your cares.     Enjoy the day!  There is a Roman expression for that but I can't think of it.    Put a smile on your face , hugs to embrace and the world becomes your oyster, or clam, or whatever you want it to be.     Hugs to all.

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