Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Musing on a Rainy Afternoon

The name I do not know but beauty shines from within as these flowers show.

There has been a lot of talk about being depressed and there are many reasons for feeling depressed, but what does it mean to you?   I thought I'd look the word up in the dictionary and see what it says . . .

According to the dictionary 'depression' means. 1. a. The act of depressing.  b. The condition of being depressed.  2.  An area that is sunk below its surrounds, hollow.  3.  Meterol.  A region of low barometric pressure.   4. the angular distance below the horizontal plane through the point of observation.  5. Aston.  The angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon.  6.  A reduction in activity or force.  7.  The condition of feeling sad and melancholy.  8. Pyschiat.  A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of dejection and guilt.  9.  Econ.  A period of drastic decline in the national economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices and unemployment.

Now, there is a word that has meaning for each and every one of us.   nine special meanings to be exact.  When you feel depressed you have a choice . . . I didn't think about that.

Depressing one thing is easy for it depends on what it is you want to smash and obliterate.  As far as the condition, well, you have to expect that once you depress something it isn't going to be pretty.  As for an area sunk, we all know that one, in fact we just had a huge sink hole in front of City Hall (wonder if the good Lord was sending them a message) , but it is back to smooth and normal and traffic flows, and as far as I can tell there have been no changes in the raise tax minds of our city leaders.

I know little about meterol, but then it must be the dictionary people are saying it is Meteorology, then the low barometric pressure must have to do with our winter weather.   Lots of folks throughout the country are feeling real true winter weather and the news is filled with stories of car pile ups and blizzard snow conditions along with very low temperatures,which could bring on depression.

Astron.  Short for Astronomy, I'm sure, wonder why it isn't spelled out. . . but, in this case it seems to be an angular distance between celestial bodies below the horizon.  It has to be special as I haven't seen any celestial bodies above or below the horizon lately.  Of course someone would have to identify the bodies for us to know if they are celestial or not.
Now, feeling sad and melancholy . . . I've been down that road once or twice in my life.  It is never what you would call  a fun trip, rather sad and it seems to last forever, but . . . once you get the hang of the pain it causes, you soon leave it behind and get on with your life.   Life is an adventure.  Life is a trip.  Life is for the living and we have been charged to live our lives every second of the day.  We don't always like it, but then there are times that make up for those depressed and melancholy moments and we learn to 'sing and dance in the rain.'

Pyschiat (wish they finished that word, but, to my thinking it is a neurotic condition, and each of us has had that condition effect our lives . . an inability to concentrate, insomnia and feelings of dejection and guilt . . . wow . . . someone must have gone to confession . . . or was it a bit of hangover and not remembering all the foolish things one did . . . um . . . think about that one for a few minutes and you could come up with a cure for your neurotic condition.

Number nine is the winner.   It is like someone directed us to the dictionary to find the world that depicts what is on going in our lives at this moment.  'failing economy;  unemployment and "falling" prices. . . I think not....from what I see every shopping day,  higher prices  and I can prove it as my "Friends Baked Beans" have gone from ninety-nine cents a can to two dollars and twenty nine cents and that is just this past year.  It has to be a misnomer in the dictionary  about prices falling, the author must have been thinking of the good old days when you could buy a can of Friends Boston baked beans for thirty-nine cents a can.  Nothing was added about living on borrowed money, lack of leadership, moment to moment crisis which leads me think about how we are all heading into 'depression.'

It is fun to muse on a rainy day, try it , you might find out you like it.     Hugs to all.

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