Monday, January 7, 2013


Day Four of the lovely bouquet that sits on my dining room table thanks to Jo.  I said tulips when it first arrived but the Iris were closed and looked like just green stems . . . what a nice surprise when they opened up and showed off in all their glory.    Flowers have a way of making one smile.    there is something special about real flowers , each one has a beauty all its own just like people . . . just a matter of opening up and spreading out.

Yesterday was a crab feast day and the last of our crab feasts for this year.   They are expensive, but worth it;   they are of varied sizes and some smaller than expected with the claws not as strong as they should be.     The crabbing boats are out there for it is the season but it was delayed because the crabs had not grown enough and they waited until now to open up the season.    We had no real complaints as they were very, very, tasty, and the salad was really special.  If you have not tried the different salad dressings on the market shelves, do. . . try a different kind and you will find your taste buds will open up.   If I could spell 'tsabi' correctly I would recommend it as it had great flavor.

It is Monday, all day, and we may get some rain.   After a couple of days with a bit of sunshine we are going back into the one storm follows another routine;  winter in Oregon;  come to think of it spring and some of summer has the same patterns.   They didn't name one of the college football teams Ducks for nothing.   The other college named their team 'Beavers' and they build is very strange to hear an Oregonian complain about rain.  So today, rain or shine, put on your work hat and get busy starting, or finishing up, some of those chores you have been putting off.    if you smile they go faster, frown and you'll be there longer, cry and you'll never get them all done.     Remember the hardest chores first and the rest will be easy;  then you can cuddle up with that new book you got for Christmas, or have a new series on DVD to watch.    Son John and I have been watching one called "Once Upon a Time" and it has been fun to watch.   Make your seconds worth while and don't forget smile with your eyes and lift up the corners of your mouth and you'll never get those deep wrinkles . . .maybe a smile dimple but then they are 'becoming' . . . look in the mirror and you will see for yourself.     Hugs to all.

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