Friday, January 4, 2013


I heard a knock on my door but when I got there no one was there . . . but a long purple box with some flowers.  This is as they arrived, wait a day or two and I'll show you what they really look like.   Thank you Jo for being so thoughtful.   A lovely surprise, just another special kind of hug . . . and I love hugs and you too.

Here is the 'beast' we have been working on since Thanksgiving week.   The dining room table was taken up from one end to the other and no meals could be eaten at it.    There wasn't room for the pieces as 2,000 pieces need a lot of room.    At first there was eight paper plates with pieces, then a couple of cookie sheets were added, then a small table.  Day by day as we fitted in pieces we could add more to the surrounding area of the puzzle and soon all pieces were on the table defying us to find them.    Jo did a lot and was determined to finish it, but she had to leave for home and left an unfinished puzzle.   We would have kept her but her bosses wouldn't stand for her being gone any longer.    John finally relented and sat at the table and started to find a piece here and there;  Pat came in and managed to find the special piece that tied it in.  I stayed with it too and soon we had this beautiful picture with one piece missing just under the butterfly in the left corner;  where it disappeared to no one knows.   We searched but didn't find it.    Sad, but puzzle pieces stick to your clothing, fall under chairs and table legs and disappear.    It is still worth doing even with that one piece gone.   

I have had trouble in blog land and something happened so I cannot pull up my pictures as I once did.   I had John try a new way and it worked, all I have to do is remember the steps and maybe I can continue to blog.......with pictures.  We'll see, as the old timer would say, 'time will tell'.     I hope you have a great weekend to catch up with yourself.    I'm off to 'catch some z's' and don't have to blog in the early morning.    I don't know though, I'm a creature of habit, so we will see.      Sleep tight . . . dream softly and snuggle in.   Hugs to all.

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