Thursday, January 24, 2013

Door Knobs

A wondrous sight,  the elements do not always behave.  It looks like a window was made just for the folks who wanted a little light on their boat ride.   How eerie and how mysterious.

Son John has been collecting doorknobs, not to collect but to replenish the worn doorknobs in Jo's almost century old 'brownstone'.  He said that they were beautiful, had swirls much like the old glassies we used to play with years ago.   I am betting some were made of Bakelite and that material lasts forever.  

Here are the rim lock sets that go with the knobs.   He seems to know the how and whys of putting these together.    As for me, I'm waiting for an invitation to see the finished products....a new kitchen. . . hardwood floors brought back to life and door knobs on all the doors.

So today, if you have a labor of love, then get to it.  There is nothing more satisfying in life than to go on a hunting trip to find the illusive pieces needed to make the old new again.   There is so much beauty in the old furnishings that were more than not 'made in America' and last a lifetime.     So go  to antique shops, yard sales and find treasures that will make your house a home.  Surround yourself with the textures and colors that make you come alive.     Home is where the heart is and only you can make your home sparkle with your personality and pride.     Invite me when you decide to use that new kitchen and if you are asking, hot apple pie and vanilla ice cream would be a special treat.   I'll even buy the apples and ice cream.     Enjoy the day . . .it is really yours to enjoy.   Hugs to all.

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