Tuesday, January 8, 2013


This is a poinsettia plant that is two years old.   In fact it is two plants.    When I received the plants, one from daughter Pat and the other from Jock, they were filled with beautiful red blooms.   Usually after Christmas they die out and unless you plan to work with the plant to keep it alive, it dies and you get a new one the next Christmas.   Well this one lost its blooms but it just never quit in the leaf department.   It continued on and on and on. . . it wants to live, it wants to thrive but it does not bloom again.   I am sure it is root bound by now, but it doesn't seem to mind.  So I will continue to care for it and see what develops; who knows . . . maybe a blossom will reappear again.

So today, be a poinsettia and thrive.   Get on with life.    So many are caught in a circle of doom and gloom, refusing to see past the corner of their nose.     You have a new year, seven of them gone already and what have you done to improve yourself and your surroundings.     I decided to down size and get rid of some of the excess.   I am starting in my closet and that is like going into a small box store.  I have boxes of 'things' saved. . . for?   I don't know what I put in some of them.    My first box to unload and down size was a big one.  It was filled with old writings, old pictures and a head full and heart full of family history.   How can I throw these away?   I cannot.    So I spent the day reading and remembering and came out with a knowledge of a few of the whys of life.  I was introduced to a 'me' who could have been, or should have been . . . when I had to stop and think and realized I had no reason to play the 'blame game' as I had lived each day as it came and did the best I knew how to do and here it was in writings and pictures that brought with it both happy and sad tears.   Where did all that time go?    It went by like the wink of an eye and it reminded me there is a lot more living to do.    So I packed my box of history back and it is neater than before.   I will check out a couple of smaller ones today and see what treasures I had to save . . . maybe, just maybe I'll be able to throw some things away;   but, I doubt it.    Who knows who will find pleasure in the treasures we hold dear.     They may bring a few smiles or tears but isn't that what living is all about . . . I think so.     Go find when of your treasure boxes and find out if they are worth keeping and I am betting they are.     Make today a treasured day.  Hugs to all.

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