Friday, January 25, 2013


Donaleo is a master of the dance and knows so many that he is off teaching whenever , and wherever, he can.   Right now he is in Rome and found someone to dance with.    I don't know what this kind of dancing is called.   I would call it gymnastics set to music, certainly not the jitterbug of my time, although I think they do a bit of that now and then.   

Yeah, I'm one of those.    Once you develop a friendship with books you are never satisfied until you add more and more to your bookcases.    

An author with a sense of humor that taught children how to read the easy way.    We spent hours enjoying each book as it came out.    I still pick one up when I see one and although I do not collect them, I do appreciate them and share them with little ones.   They bring smiles to your heart as you read "The Cat in the Hat";   "One Fish, Two Fish" ,  and who can not say that they have not read "Green Eggs and Ham" . . . unpalatable but so much fun.

So today grab a book and give yourself a bit of down time.    The week is all but over and January is all but gone.  Winter is in its best phase of icy cold, hard winds and misery for some;  a good time to grab your book and find a cozy nook.    It is great if you are young and energetic and can go skiing, sliding down a hillside , cross country skiing or ice skating, now that would be fun.   That all sounds like fun but I'm with the group that finds a nook and there I'll be with a book, a cup of hot coffee to sip and grin and bare it as the new weekend is about to start.    As the song says "let the world go away", not a bad idea as we hear all the negative news and threats.    Enjoy your winter weekend hopefully laughing out loud.    Hugs to all.

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