Sunday, January 20, 2013


Here is a rare picture of the three Kennedy men when they were very young.  Joseph and Rose Kennedy raised a very large family and the three boys went on to become successful in politics.    John was President, Bobby was going to run for President, and Teddy was in Congress for his lifetime.   The family was plagued with horrible and sad events as two were assisnated and one died a natural death.    Their children are still carrying the family banner and are in politics to this day.   A family that brought both joy and sadness to our world.     May they rest in peace.

I only heard of marathon dances but never participated in one.    We danced the night away many a night but this is carrying it a bit too far.    The picture has a story to tell.   It looks like the ladies have a bit more staying power than the men.  

The last of the camouflage pictures.   Keep looking you will find the owl.    

This beautiful bird was the topic of conversation yesterday when Judy called from Colorado where it is very cold and she took time out for a phone visit.     I wish you knew Judy as she is one young lady who can make your day.  She is funny and she has stories to tell and tells them with gusto and such humor that you find yourself laughing out loud.    This bird was dubbed Peatie and loved to talk.   He listened well and even had a chance to be an actor in a local play.   He had a very small part until he decided to fly around the theater and land on stage to sit on an actor's shoulder.    He did such a great job he got true billing.   He learned names easily and greeted everyone when they came in the door.    A smart bird and well loved until the day he died.      She had many tales to tell and I am still laughing.    Thanks Judy for making my day.  I hope you find another Peatie to love.

So today, Sunday, a day to sleep in . . . sleep in?  I don't think it is something I can ever do.    It is about three thirty or so and I am wide awake.     I don't intend to stay that am off to make coffee, turn on the television and cuddle up in my favorite chair and you know I will be snoozing away in a few minutes.  There is something about television and ads that makes sleeping in ones chair very easy.     So hopefully you are sleeping and in a deep dream about something wonderful.   When you wake up, make sure you have a good breakfast, a walk about, and a day to remember.   Hugs to all.

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