Monday, January 21, 2013

Different and Beautiful

Here is a flower I have never seen before.    Jock will know.    It is a strange beauty as the center reminds me of a grapefruit, or an orange , as the purple and blue stamen bring out the depth of color in the bowl;   a mystery flower and really quite beautiful.

This is a picture of the largest church in Hallgrauskirkja, Iceland.     A beauty all its own.   I wonder  at its awesome height.     I bet it is as beautiful inside as it is on the outside.    One more place to add to your must see list when you decide to travel and see our world.    

One of the Anheuser Bush ponies, now that has to be one of the most beautiful beasts on earth....look at those feet, love its coat of black and white , a black mane and a mixed tail;  'who could ask for anything more'.  Speaking of ponies, I had a call from Mike and it is eight degrees up there in Nevada.    He said they had a new colt, a complete surprise as no one knew the horse was pregnant.  It was just bought last May and the owner , without knowing, got two for the price of one.    Mike said it is a beauty and of course will be the princess of the stables.    I wonder what they will name her.    Hopefully I'll get a picture to share with you, but don't hold your breath.

So today, Monday, yeah . . . the start of a new week;  that has to be the most used expression we know.   It is Inauguration Day although President Obama and Vice President Bidon took their oath of office yesterday in separate places.    I hate to spoil the event, but with the economy so bad and people homeless and out of work , the money being spent on this event is ludicrous.     Those that are running the show have police officers from all over the country for crowd control, think of that cost alone.     It has been a three day event with more to come , talk about waste, talk about spending, talk about politicians putting on a circus . . . let's not talk about it, let us watch and wait and see what 'hope and change' is coming our way in the next four years.      Hold on to your hat, it might be a long hard ride.  On the other side of the story, it is Martin Luther King Day, maybe it will be a shared day.  Now it is up to our Senators and Congressmen to put some strength in their convictions and start representing the people for there are many issues to be resolved.    Wish them well and get on with your day to day living, one second at a time. 

As an aside, I sent out a fantastic and wondrous attachment with pictures by Anna Kastranko which were supposedly all painted by her and they were absolutely awesome . . .  but, I learned later that there are two Anna Kastranko's one a photographer and the other an artist.    So I think the pictures were photographs and not paintings as suggested.     I tried to Google her name to see if I could pick up some of the paintings but had no luck.   I wanted to see if the artist Anna was anywhere near as brilliant as the photographer.      I hope so.
So let a smile be your umbrella whether it is sunshine or raining in your area.     We had sun yesterday so took a ride to the Port to see the waves coming in from Japan and they were touted as many and rough.  Warnings were out not to walk close to the water or go surfing but people ignored the warnings.    There is tons of driftwood on the beach.   It was not a tsunami, but it was a good show as the waves came in four and five at a time , rollers, long dark green and rolled over as frothy thundrous waves.   A beauty all its own.    Hugs to all. 

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