Monday, January 28, 2013


How crazy can you get?    I wouldn't eat at one of the tables at this place if they paid me.   I get chills just looking.

I've seen pictures of iron workers having lunch up high in the sky . . . better them than me.

How did he get out there and why?    Maybe he has a death wish.   I like my views from a solid pathway with lots of earth around my feet.

What if he rolls over?  

Well, I don't know about you but I have a big fear of heights.    I remember once, a very long time ago, trying to gather courage to get on a sky lift and ride up  to the top of a mountain just to see the view.   I took a while to be convinced I wouldn't fall out of the chair lift and I did go and was glad I did as the view was spectacular but I never did it again.    Standing on the step of a kitchen stool is about as high as I go and at this age it isn't always the smartest thing to do.    Oh well, to each his own.   The attachment that came in with all the pictures was interesting enough but I still think the idiots who are pictured  have a 'screw' loose or are just overly pure 'nuts'.  Let's face it, I am only comfortable with both feet on the ground.

So today if someone invites you to sit on the edge of nothing, think before you agree as you may be one of those folks who has a bit of queasiness just thinking about heights.    If you are listening to me, you will smile and wish them well on their journey and then go off on one of your own with both feet on the ground.  It is Monday, all day,  the start of a new week, one I hope will have some wonders within it.    Today, I have been invited to read to someone in a senior residence;  wish me luck.   It sounds like fun . . . think about it and maybe you can volunteer when you have some free time.   Did you know you can put a smile in your voice?   Well, you can . . . try it.  Hugs to all.

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