Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Here are Donaleo and Erin among a few new friends in Istanbul, Turkey.

They were shown the best place in town to eat by their host;    honey infused orange; yogurt with berries; plates of various cheeses; fresh baked bread; veggies; candied pumpkin; olives and desert and oh scrambled eggs and Chea tea.  My granddaughter said 'So! So! Good!!! . . . I want to have breakfast with them, how about you?

Speaking of food, Paula sent along a picture of Taco Pie that looks really good. Sounds easy enough and the crust is made from mashed potatoes.  In this case some boxed potatoes were used.   Saute your onions and beef then put it into your potatoe pie crust and bake for 15 minues in a 350 degree oven . . . top it off with tomato, luttuce and an olive or two and don't forget the sour cream. Good eating!

Marcia put this lovely reminder on her Facebook page and today is a good day to remember those who live in our memories.    Our thoughts our prayers and our hearts remain true to them . . . always.

A four leaf clover . . . sure is a pretty sight, now if it could be found and bring a bit of luck it would be worth the hunt.   So far I have only been able to find the three leaf clovers, just like the shamrock, but a fourth leaf. . . nope. . . that illusive luck remains hidden from my view.     If we think about it, we are all very lucky, count your blessings and you will know for sure.

So today, hopefully a sunshine day, go out in the yard and take a peek at the clover.   Who knows, you may be the one to find the four leaf one and have more luck than you can stand...all you have to do is share it and even out your world.  The rumor about the banks charging ten percent is around again, so you may want to install a new mattress in your home.    Aah, life can be confusing at times as you wonder how those who are not working can pay more out when they have nothing coming in . . . seems like a puzzle to me.      Speaking of puzzles the one on the table, a Kincaid ocean scene, is all finished as to the light and white areas, the light house and the waves, but the dark blues and purples and browns are hiding out as they all look alike.   It is much slower going and my helpers have disappeared.  Speaking of disappearing, I'm off to put on my coffee and see what is out there for breakfast.   This waking up and blogging at four a.m. is okay, but the brain seems to be still asleep.     Hope you are snoozing away and dreaming of your Easter vacation.     Just know I wish you a 'happy' day, all day and hope many four leaf clovers are in your yard.  Hugs to all. 

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