Sunday, March 17, 2013

Be Irish Today!!

My only green today.   

Paula's grandson Owen is going to be a prize fisherman.   Look at the pride in his catch.   Great going there Owen, keep up the good work.  

Here is a fancy way to have some fruit, looks good enough to eat.

And as the Irish would say . . . The top of the mornin' to ye; and the rest of the day to yourself!    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Shamrocks aren't they lovely . . .
Pat and I had a sabbatical yesterday and left lent behind for a whole day.    We went off to some yard sales and had a lot of fun.  There were two church sales and they are always filled with cast offs that could turn into treasures.   This year we went to Smith River and they had a book sale. . . five for one dollar. . . yes, I did . . .I bought more books and have no room for them.  They look pretty nice sitting on an end table.  Along with the books came a news letter which I thought had a few interesting features and I learned a bit more about our neighbors some seven to ten miles from here.   From William Westbrook's Diary . . . "Recently I found a diary from 1917.   William was born in the valley in 1859 to Henry and Catherine. He died in 1940.  Unfortunately the house his wife Sara Eddie and he built rotted and was torn down.  By 1917 most of the families in Smith River were doing dairies. Del Norte and Humboldt counties were supplying the growing city of San Francisco with milk and Butter.  It was shipped out from the harbor and many of the big homes were built with those monies.  They were often referred to as "butterfat mansions."  Del Norte and Humboldt counties were rich in green grass almost year round." 
This little hamlet is half way between Brookings and Crescent City.   There is Lake Earl on the outskirts where the Aleutian Geese make a stop every year and then fly by the hundred out to see the world.    We saw a flock take off yesterday and they swarmed and took time to get into their flight pattern.  It was fun to see as the scout birds took over and shipped them into shape.
We did stop and play at the casino and found a few new machines since we were last there.    The have Frankenstein and the monsters and Sherlock Holmes, both fun to play although they didn't part with much treasure.    We had our lunch and then came home feeling we had celebrated St. Patrick's Day in style, although a bit early, but then we can do it all over again today as we head for a movie today with friends.  So don't sit idle, get up and call a friend and find a way to celebrate being Irish whether you are or not.    Wear a little green, partake of some Irish bread and if you like beer, make it a green one in honor of St. Patrick.     Remember to sing . . . "When Irish eyes are smiling, sure it's like a morn in spring;  'tis the lilt of Irish laughter, you can hear the angels sing . . . when  Irish hearts are happy, all the world is bright and gay. . . and when Irish eyes are smiling, they can steal your heart away." . . . Smile with your eyes and open up those arms today.  Hugs to all.

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