Sunday, March 10, 2013

And Yes . . .

Do not scoff . . . some of us still us old reliable and I have two such phones, only Princess style, in good use.  Cool, comfortable and there isn't any lost in a loud drum sound when in use.   I like it.

From "Books are Magic" . . . Book lovers know this and each of us fall into the category . . . there just isn't anything like a really good book to keep you company on any day or night.  A friend that sits and waits to be held.

and to think I've been searching for pen and paper forever...and here I had the message board right there if I had only thought.  I could have saved money on buying furniture polish . . oh well, live and learn.

It is Sunday,  Easter is coming, yeah!!!  Lent has been long this year, only because I have been waiting for St. Pat's Day when I celebrate the day, then go back and finish my lenten chores.    The candles are lit, and really looked beautiful as they lit up the little entry way In the Star of the Sea foyer.  The yard sales were few over the weekend but it was sunshine and that meant allot in getting out and about.  I took my camera and got a couple of pictures but haven't put them on the computer yet.  I even worked in the backyard for about an hour and that seems to be my limit.    I pruned three bushes, so I have gotten a start to spring cleaning outside.   Today we are going to celebrate Peat's birthday;  yes, he did make another one, but only by a thread.  He has something not working, or working to well, in his brain that causes strokes which lead to heart attacks and there is nothing that can be done.   So today we will celebrate him and hope this will be a good year for him.  Happy Birthday Peat!  How much we admire his will to live each day, every day.
So keep an eye on your family members and friends and be sure to stay aware as to their health and happiness.   Sometimes it is all 'on' you;  so don't hesitate, put a smile in your eyes, and open up those arms and make yourself useful.   Hugs to all.

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