Saturday, March 16, 2013


A cork tree

Factory workers  inspecting the corks.

corks for wine bottles.   
The attachment I received yesterday about cork was extremely interesting.  I never gave a thought to the little cork in a wine bottle as to how it came about.    There are many steps to conquer before the cork is made into those little covers and that is only one of the uses for cork.     I believe the article mentioned Spain and Portugal as the home of these wondrous trees.    The cork has many uses and our creative Bob has come up with a really awesome birdhouse.  So don't throw your corks away, save them and create a little masterpiece all your own.

Words, words, words, it is hard to believe all we hear and at times we cannot believe any of the rhetoric that is spewing about on the economy.  We have words that say we are improving by leaps and bounds and others that say we are not moving at all.   We have a President that spews words he thinks we want to hear as he continues on his own agenda as to what he thinks is the way to go.   A country divided in two with a long tunnel to drive through and the lights are not working . If our leaders would fix the loopholes , the pot holes would take care of themselves.

Saturday, all day, nice sound to that....yard sale day and there is a big one to go to.    Will we find a treasure?  I hope so.   I have a fetish for old glass and found a lovely dish yesterday at a sale.  It is turning purple and is an exceptional piece which looks lovely on the coffee table filled with bright red peppermints.   I'll have to pick up some green ones today in honor of St. Patrick.   Tomorrow is the day to celebrate being Irish, but I'm off to an early start.   So check your newspaper and see if there are any yard sales about . . . if you haven't been to one in awhile, go . . . you might find that one treasure you have been looking for.     Don't forget to bring change along with a grin and a greeting and a bit of Yankee trading never hurt anyone.    Hugs to all.

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