Sunday, March 24, 2013


The city of Dubai, oil money put to work, but as the story goes the buildings were put up with no cost to spare but they didn't bother putting in a sewer system so they  have special trucks to haul away all the excess;  I gather they have made changes since they discovered their fatal errors.

Now this is an engineer . . . you can bet your bottom dollar that this home has it all.

You have to admit how ingenious our birds are.

Over in Japan this very different museum was built, now this is really an engineering feat.  This picture came from Andrea  by way of Wendy, her daughter, who lives and teaches over in Japan.    They visited  Wendy, and enjoyed seeing this museum which is small and has a very unique design. The roof curves and the line follows the line of gravity and the center of the building concave into a pool.  There is an outside patio and the second floor has a cafe and sitting space overlooking the pool.    She tells that the outside looks nice but gives little hint to what is inside.    So our engineers give us food for thought and ideas of how wonderful it is to travel and see what is in our world.  Thank you Andrea for sharing your photographs and stories with me and allowing me to share them on this blog.

It is Sunday, all day, and if we are lucky there will be sunshine, hopefully without the cold wind.  Winter doesn't want to let go this year.    The television had scenes of terrible winter storms still raging throughout our land.    New England is to be hit once again, but those hardy souls are used to it and although I am sure they have had more than their share, they will survive and enjoy spring when it gets here.  I have been enjoying a scrabble game with daughter Christine.  I would love to play with others as well but my old computer keeps kicking me out and I have to keep going back in so it is not conducive to group playing.    I'd like to complain to the 'engineers' of the computer world and although we need change and updates on our computers we certainly do not need to have so many so fast that our computers are old before they are paid for.     There  are many programs that do not need updating and change;  well, that is my opinion and I'm stuck with it.     It really is a marvelous engineering feat and I am very glad I have a computer to use.    So get on your computer today and greet a friend or two;  share a game, some verbal hugs and keep up with all the news.   Today is a new day to enjoy doing just what you like to do . . . rest and relax.    Do it . . . it's very good for you.   Hugs to all.

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