Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Tunisia, North Africa . . . and I thought it was all sand and desert.  So much to learn, so much to see in our world.  Erin and Donaleo are meeting some really nice people in their travels and learning a lot about how the other half lives. 

Think about that . . .

Here is an idea if you are interested in starting a new business this summer.    Wonder what one of these would cost.  A moving grill . . . hot dogs anyone?

Hey, welcome back Maxine, have not seen a Maxine cartoon in some time.    So you 'together' folks, enjoy your togetherness and make each day the best you can.   It is okay to ignore each other's faults, God knows we all have them.  It is hard to admit to, I know, but being less than perfect is not going to end your world . . . it may just enhance it so that you will be happier than you ever thought you could be.   So live with a lot of good words and deeds for each other as you never know what is in store for you today.    That sink hole in Florida is a good case and point.  Who ever thought of a person going to bed and finding the floor give out from under his bed and make a pit over a hundred feet deep.   A tragedy no one could prevent;  a fact no one ever thought of;   seconds are important so don't waste them on nonsense . . . you chose each other, now don't try to change each other, bring out the best in each other and live happily ever after .   Hugs to all.

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