Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fun and Food

Leave it to Maxine to come up with a sunshine idea...all we need is a little sunshine but we will have to wait awhile as winter is taking its time about leaving.

Of course, it is what makes our world go around and around.    We cannot always be perfect and think of the lessons we learn . . or do we?

And Granddaughter Erin is signing to another deaf  young lady and seems to be able to get her words across.   It has to be difficult to try and speak to someone in another language.    She is very good about trying and seems to get her words across.  She wants to teach and to learn so she can communicate with anyone , anywhere.....she has the will and hopefully has found the way.

Here they are, new friends, in a restaurant having lunch and Donaleo said the menu is priced at one dollar;   whoa, I'm heading for Tunisia.

and in Port Orchard, at the Gallery, there was a show and this is the picture that took First Place.  Some one artist is very talented.   It looks like you could reach out and pick a piece of fruit and eat it.     Wow!

So today, hump day, know you have a talent.  Everyone does.    We just need to find out what it is and perfect it.   Think about what it is that 'turns you on' and what makes you glow with pride and satisfaction.    Do not be afraid to try something new and different, or pucker up and try to whistle.    Just put a little laughter into your day and have some fun.    Walk into a hug or two . . . smile back . . . throw a kiss and hope someone catches it.   Hugs to all.

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