Monday, March 18, 2013


A wee bit more!!!   And I hope your St. Patrick's Day was  filled with fun surprises.

A whole field of jonquils to assure you spring is springing!
Angie had this picture on her blog and, come to think of it, she is having a birthday this week . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGIE.    
I am with Maxine.    March is a month of change, can't make up its mind to let winter go and spring come in, so the battle of wits begins.     I think we react to the changes and sometimes get a bit on the wacky side as we try to figure out how to deal with all the changes in ourselves and in the events that continually keep us 'up in the air' and we have to make up our minds on how to get by.

Some one  mentioned forty weeks of lent....forty days is more than enough for was good to take a break for one day and it was such fun to share time with Pat and Jock.   We had a delicious Mexican dinner at Pancho's restaurant and didn't miss the corn beef and cabbage.  It has gotten so we cook that up a week or so before St. Pat's Day and if the meat is really good we have it a second time but this year it was a very strange blob of all fat and it was so disappointing we decided to fore go a second time around.    I didn't go to the theater as the film I wanted to see was in the small theater and it is one with seats almost to the screen and not fun to go to.  I'll wait for the DVD and watch it at home when it comes out.  As it happens Maggie brought me over the first of the series of "Downtown Abbey" and I spent the afternoon watching that and it is well done and enjoyable.  Pat and Jock went to see the new "OZ: movie and said it was okay but I doubt they want to see it again.   One of those 'okay..but..' deals.   I know it sounds like you are picky and finding fault when you say something is 'okay-but';   that really is not the case, honest, just happens to be a handy saying when something is not living up to your own expectations.     It isn't that there is something wrong with whatever it is you put that connotation to, but  like living with the old adage....'live in high hope and die in dispair' . . . a harsh reality of wanting more than you bargain for....that's just one of life's lessons.     A new day, a new week, and a chance to catch up with ourselves.     Back to celebrating lent, a bit of guilt for the one cookie that was so delicious and a bit of a price paid as it left the tongue with a taste for more.    You really do not miss sugar once you get it out of your system, but once you tast4e it again....the entire system goes on like a rocket and screams for more.     . . . oh for the stamina to live in moderation.     So, today make your new start  and make your seconds bright, breezy and filled with good thoughts, good deeds and share that wonderful YOU.   Hugs to all.

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