Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fair or Not

I do not know who Steve Maraboli is, but I'd say he is a wise man.   Your life is not behind you, it's true, it is with you every second of the day of each new day and it is up to you to make good use of your seconds.    Think of all the fun you will  have, and all the chances, to make truly wonderful memories just be living one second at a time.   All to soon you will be able to look back and wonder where your seconds went and hopefully bring forth some wondrous memories that tell a life story to be proud of.

Somewhere I had notes on whose desk this was.  It belonged to someone brilliant and famous and is supposedly the sign of a very good mind.    I always thought clutter made for messes in the mind and heart . . .

but I changed my mind when I saw our President's desk and how much it shows the difference in working and solving the problems we now have in our country.    I guess when you have four hundred tsars to do your work the you don't have to worry about messing up your desk.   

Political cartoons have a way of pointing to a truth or two.     I wonder what the history books will say in the future.  I think this president will go down in history as one of the worst we have ever had and we have had some doozies.  I had absolutely no intention of getting into politics this morning, but one picture led to thinking and you know what thought does.....so let us take into account the actual news of today.  We should have a new Pope for the Catholic Church and a new National budget is going to be introduced in hopes of solving our money problems . . . but, both the Congress and the Senate have to get their act together in order for it to work so the same old problem exists today that existed yesterday and the day before and on and on.        The neighborhood problems will resolve themselves, one way or another.    One of ours has been evicted and the house left like a pig sty, sad and expensive for the land lord.    The landlord mentioned that nothing was to be said about the conditions but for one reason or another told each neighbor  and all but posted notice on the billboard.    Yeah, people are not funny, but strange at times.   

So today, A Tuesday in your week, think, act, do something positive that will make your seconds count for you.   You are not responsible for everyone else and their behavior.  You are responsible for yours.    Keep that in mind when you decide to clear your work space and make sure it isn't all clear but organized so you can find what you need and get your work done.    Be kind to your neighbors, you have no idea what is on going in their lives.    But, most of all be kind to yourself and get on with living one second as it comes.     It helps if you smile with your eyes and let a little love show through.  It helps if you have a hug ready for someone in need.    It helps even if they don't have a need.   So be all you can be today and make it a memorable one.  Hugs to all.

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