Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring in Delaware

Historical Old Houses in Old New Castle.    John took his camera for a walk around the neighborhood.
It has been a long time since I have seen row houses.    Each one is different, not like the old Boston brownstones that all looked alike.    The street doesn't look to wide with all those cars needing spaces to park.   Parallel parking, I'd never make it...smile.
A cemetary close by.

A special building but John didn't add any captions ...really a lovely building, old and well preserved.   Wish we could see what the flag is.   The tree reminded me of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"  cement and all.

William Penn.

Jo's house where all that remodeling is going on inside...well the plans are in the offering and work will soon begin.  John has all the knobs and the lock sets all ready for the inside doors.    I hope they are taking some before and after pictures and send them this way.     They are looking up the history of these houses and there will be a tale to tell.    Meanwhile, spring greeted them with many storms and they were lucky when the "Sandy" storm went by and left them without flooding and other problems.    A little apring snow isn't all bad and I hear the garden flowers are peeking through.

Hey, it's Tuesday, all day, lent is ending..yeah!!!   I am looking forward to Easter Brunch.  There are no visitors, no family to entertain for Easter Sunday so Patricia and I will celebrate all by ourselves.   We get to break the no sweets sabbatical of lent and indulge to buldge but I am betting ham and eggs will take prescidence or one of those vegie omelets, or a granny special with biscuits and gravy . . . yum . . . Easter Sunday can't come soon enough to suit me.   And,  a stop at the casino and try out luck is in the offering.    The ceramic bunny is on the table waiting for jelly beans, hopefully the sun will shine for at least a little while so the children can celebrate the lighter side of Easter hunting those colorful eggs.    Meanwhile the church folks will go and be up lifted as the Easter whites bring light and blessings to all.  Dont' forget to go shopping, they now have Mary Jane's in adult sizes. . . smile!   Make your list and check it at least twice;   choose your favorite foods and 'gussie up' and feel the buden of lent drift off to the 'light' that changes our world.    Light a candle for me, and while you are at it, remember the troops, the sick, the dead and the dying and as the old Irish would say, "God, give them a limp, so I'll know my enemies." Put a smile in your eyes, a lilt in your voice and make your Easter mean something special.   Five days and counting!!  Hugs to all.

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