Friday, March 15, 2013

All In A Day

A lovely sunrise, a beautiful day to be alive, moving and doing.    It is also Friday and that is what brings a smile to those who have to work hard for a living.  That isn't to say the retirees are not hard working too, they are, honest, and each sunrise brings along the challenge of making those seconds count as you choose your attitude for the day.

Speaking of attitude, here is a group of really truly lovely ladies who got together to celebrate Pat Brown's retirement.  Pat retired. . maybe from a nine to five job, but this dynamo is always first on the volunteer list.  She has been president of the Brooking Garden Club several times and does such a tremendous job she gets to do it over and over.   Some of her friend are from the Garden Club and it is nice to see some of the familiar faces.    Pat is the lady in the chair on the right....yeah, as good looking as she is sweet.

The Oregon magazine was in with pictures of places to visit and invitations to play in some of the wineries and join in on a star party.    I haven't seen a sky filled with stars like this picture shows.  It has been many years as our fog rolls in and the sky fades in the a gray mist.   I do miss seeing the little dipper as it has one of my wishing stars in its handle.

It has been an interesting week, a new Pope for the Catholic Church.  Say a prayer for him and hope that he can renew the church and its people.   Pope Francis, a new name and one of strength and love.    We have cruise ships failing in mid voyage;  airplanes with weakened parts . . . um, about time these big 'corporations' put some of that money they make into their products and forget the big fat bonus at years end.    It is getting so folks will have to devise new ways to spend their leisure time and how to get where they want to go.     Our food prices are sky rocketing and we are getting 'gleaner' foods which are on the verge of rotting.     A horse meat scare . . . but don't despair, on the other hand we have two days to go to be Irish and celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  It is this coming Sunday.  It is also Francis Patrick's birthday , a childhood friend who has always had a special place in my heart.      I am going out to celebrate my Irish and may do a little jig as I go out the door.     If you are in the neighborhood, come and join me . . . if you can't, then open your door and go out and celebrate the wearin' of the green and eat a bit of corn beef and cabbage with carrots, onions, potatoes, turnip and a bit of parsnip, or lamb, or ham . . . whatever you like best.     Come on . . . I'll treat to a green beer. Hugs to all.

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