Wednesday, March 13, 2013


A tiny dragon, what a cutie . . . magic, just what we need  to brighten our lives.   

Now this could be Jo's Oscar and his familiar look.    He sits by Jo when she is trying to catch up on her reading.  Well, he likes attention, but then, don't we all!

One often wonder why a fisherman gets up at dawn and goes out in a boat and sits there waiting patiently to make the catch of the day.  I think this picture says it all.

Yep, traffic is picking up.    Signs of spring and the many who love the ocean and make their way here.   We cannot be greedy and keep our beautiful Oregon coast all to ourselves, but there are times we'd sure like to try.   We don't mind the folks coming but sometimes their driving habits are not made for a small town.   That bumper to bumper stuff is better in the big cities.   

It is hump day, thirteen days of March have gone on and lent is all but over.    Yesterday proved to be visitors day for me and I had such a wonderful day with drop ins.    My telephone rang and it was Sharon telling me she was three minutes away so put the tea pot on.   She came in with her new IPAD or is it IPOD?, and she had hundreds of pictures to show me. She is a very talented artist and has become the owner of a 'machine' . . . computer type that you have a special screen and pen and can draw anything you choose to bring to life.    It is something new in technology and mind boggling.   Her work is absolutely wonderful and this new way of painting brings the colors out as if you were actually touching the person or scene.    She does wonders and made my time with her fly out the door.    Next came Maggie with a copy of the first disc of "Abby Road" knowing I am a fan and now can see what I missed. The Kincaid puzzle she gave me was out on the puzzle board and drew her attention right away.  She is a great puzzle maker and yes, she would have  a cup of tea, and yes she would stay a 'few' minutes which went into a long time much to my pleasure.  And . . . she agreed the puzzle was a doozy of dark stormy clouds and an ocean wild with its dark blues and purples and an occasional piece of white.    I hated to see her leave but she has her three dogs waiting at home for attention.   Then came Pam who wanted to know if I'd like to join her at the casino for lunch and spend a little time....yes, I'd love to is lent and I gave up gaming for lent along with a few other things.   I have to prove I have some control over me and my bad know, the fun ones.   Soon the telephone rang and it was my neighbor wanting to know if I was all right as there had been so many cars in my driveway today.  She thought something happened to me . . . well, it did, happy seconds with delightful friends who left me sated with hugs and love;  a memory building day, one you must experience and enjoy.    Jo, the Seventh Day Adventist came with magazines and a few good words.   And to top it off a nice new fellow came in the door, the man who loves to garden and he has promised he will do his level best to make my yard look well tended to.   So put your tea pot on and unlock the door as today may be your day for company . . . I hope so.
 "A Spark"  . . . "I've never met a stranger in my entire life/ I look inside to find God's tiny hidden light./   The spark is there in everyone/ not easily found . . .it's true/  but take the time/you'll be glad/ to make a friend or two.
They come in all sizes and shapes/ all manner of hair and face/ some are tall and some are short/ some are plump or thin/ some gracious, some snarly/ a challenge to behold/ but in the eyes there resides a love they wish to share/ all you have to do is smile and friendship is right there.     JMS-2002

So open up your door and let some 'sunshine' in.  Hugs to all.

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