Monday, April 22, 2013


Hey zucchini lovers here is a little vegie pizza that is a treat.   brush the
  split zucchini with a little olive oil, put some tomato slices, sprinkle with some salt and pepper and top with your favorite cheese combination...Bake at 375 degrees for twenty minutes and voila. . . yum.    Bet yellow squash would go.    I used to take and slice zucchini, yellow squash, green peppers and slices of onion and pour some olive oil over them , topped with garlic salt, salt and pepper and grill under the broiler until they were softened and just right to eat...yum, yum!!

Real beauties.  Asparagus, steamed, a bit of butter, salt and pepper and so tasty. 
Try it for lunch on some toast with your favorite sauce.

I think this goes along with turning the other cheek.

When I check out Facebook I find friends put on different pictures and signs which sometimes tickle my funny bone.  

Got your taxes all done?  Everything in . . . didn't think of this about all we do support with our tax dollars....times have certainly changed in our world.

It is Monday, the start of our brand new week.    The weather is beginning to change to warmth and sunshine.  Here we get the wind along with the sun.   I walked up to Freddys yesterday to pick up a few things along with my puzzle...the Big friend, Gerry, and I used to do it together every Friday and had some great sessions trying to fill in the little squares.    Some of the words she recognized easily makes me think about her often, like the blood of the gods . . . who would have kept that in mind when one never heard of it.   We spend hours  sharing our knowledge of words, along with a lot of love and laughter.     She was quite a character and had stories to tell that would make you laugh out loud.   She has been gone on to greener pastures and is probably sitting on a cloud telling jokes.   She left a gift of friendship when she introduced me to her niece, Paula, who has become a loving friend.    So when we talk about extended families we have to take in stride that there are more than one kind and how lucky we are.   The more we open our minds and hearts to building  and broaden our family and friends into a loving circle, we can never feel sad and sorry and alone.    There is no need for it.    All we have to do is smile with our eyes, give one of those wonderful
body hugs and learn to keep the coffee pot on, the tea bags at the ready, bake or buy a cookie or bun and invite any and all in for some fun.    
"Open Door"

The coffee pot is on
the door is open wide
all you have to do
is come inside.

you can never be so busy
that you cannot find the time
to listen to a friend
who has come by

sometimes it means they are sad
and need a shoulder wide
sometimes it means they are glad
and need to share a smile
could be a salesman
or a Seventh Day Adventist
who has a word to share

no matter who is at the door
it matters not a lot
because you have an open door
and a coffee pot that's hot.

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