Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Erin, Donaleo and a new friend.    They are in Greece and enjoying every minute.
Donaleo loves to eat.  Wonder if he has found any delectable Mousaka yet . . . one of my favorites.

Graffiti Greek style.  Kinda of cute.

An invitation to meet some folks and have a snack.  If I am not mistaken, I think tomales were served.

The upper picture was taken in the seventies when daughter Patricia visited Greece and granddaughter Erin took the picture below showing the beer is still around and set up the scene to match and show her mother what has changed . . . not the beer but it sure looks like a new label.

I had a wonderful new picture of Jock and the Gould's turkey he just shot in Tekari Sonora, Mexico. This completed the Royal and Grand Slam.  Next year he will go off to Yucatan for the World Slam.     Then what?   We'll have to wait to find out.   The bird was beautiful and huge.    The picture must have been taken by a different method as it would not come up so I could brag about our great hunter.   It is good to have him home safe and sound.    Now to get him to catch a big fish, bring it in and cook it and regale us with tales of Mexico.

There was a wonderful attachment this morning of old barns and the background music was "The Old Rugged Cross" familiar and loving as the pictures of the dilapidated barns.   The words were soft and they told of a rich man who wanted to buy an old barn to salvage the wood to line his den in his new home.    It went on to talk of how the barn became old and beautiful just like the old folks in our lives.    Yeah, I'm one of them and it made me feel good to be appreciated for all of the changes over the years, inside and out.    I'm in good company. 

So today, look up one of the old folks in your life.   Take a few minutes out of your busy life to stop , look and listen to someone who has walked the path and has a few thoughts that might help pave the way to your day being very special.

Another attachment was a picture of a cross in an open field and the words were wholesome and beautiful as they tell how it is good to live your faith each day.    We cannot solve all the problems in our world, but we can try to resolve the problems in our own space.   there is nothing that says we cannot help each other.     Dom P. a pastor here in Brookings is having a meeting of like souls today at the City Hall to say a group prayer and let everyone know it is fine to be a Christian and there is nothing to stop us from meeting and saying a prayer together.   Remember the first word spoken when in trouble is "Jesus"  as you hear an impatient person saying "Jesus, how can you be so stupid?" or another finding themselves in need saying "Jesus, please help me. . . "   The fight has been on forever and each of us has a mind and a will of our own . . . I light candles and beg a lot, not for me but for you and yours.     A bended knee is nothing to be ashamed of.     So today say a prayer or two just because you can.    "Ask and you shall receive . . . " a bit of peace, harmony and good deeds . . . doesn't get much better than that.   And say a prayer for me.   Hugs to all. 

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