Saturday, April 20, 2013


A beautiful city. . . Seattle, Washington.     Sally put this picture on her Facebook page.    A beautiful sight.  I may get to visit there before the summer is over.     I may find out what it is like to go up into the Space Needle.

Erin and Donaleo visited here.  It reminded me of Migraine Square in Lynn, Massachusetts where I grew up.   We had a building in town which was hunkered down between two streets, just like this one.  The first big square had City Hall and my High School and a few more city blocks there was a building like this which housed offices.  Maybe the architects of yore borrowed ideas from European cities.   Right now Erin and Donaleo are in Athens, Greece and they find it a beautiful city with lovely people.   English is spoken and their hosts are taking them about to see all the wonders of their city.   Erin has a list as long as your arm of places she wants to visit and take pictures.  I'll share when she sends them through.

Finally an answer to why we have brain problems.    

In the monthly newsletter there is always a picture of a place to visit in Oregon.   This looks like fun.  

It is Saturday morning and a work day for Pat and me.  We have a garage filled with treasures to be marked.   Another week and it will be time for the big city wide yard sales here in Brookings.    Last year there were over a hundred sales.   We swore we wouldn't put on another but when you accumulate so much more than you can use, it is time to unload and get back to normal.     Wish you were close by so you could come and help clean out the know you want to.   Okay, we want you to be here with bells on.

The owner of the 'yard' work sent a young man over to weed.  A good start around the front of the areas but nothing for the back and that is where the grass has grown a good six inches.    Keith stopped in to tell me they will come every two weeks and get the place in order.    If he waits two weeks for the back area then he will need more than a mower.    He is busy and I am a new client and it takes patience on my part but that is not easy when I can plow through ankle high grass.    I pushed the power a couple of weeks ago and did such a bad job I am afraid to try it again.    I have to think of my reputation as the once great Katrina. . . patience is the name of the game so I had better practice.

The news carried the Boston Bombing to extremes and everyone of us is emotionally drained.  Our world is so filled with those who are so easily led into believing hatred should rule our world.   We are still waiting for news of the huge fire in Texas where many more lives were lost.     Take a second or two today and pray for the families who are bearing a horrible amount of grief and loss.     Lives gone in seconds.     Makes me think of how each of us should be taking time out to reflect on our own lives.    It has been said a thousand times already, we just never know what is in store for us in our new day.     Let us take our seconds to heart and live today as if it were our last day on earth . . . don't be afraid to get down on your knees, it makes a bigger and better person out of you.     Reach out today and do one good deed, just because you can.   Hugs to all.  

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