Saturday, April 13, 2013


I have a couple of fishermen and women in my life, thank God, how else would I be able to taste the lovely springers, or an occasional piece of green ling cod.    Jock, for one, should have this on his license plate.   I am not hearing how many, if any, he has caught this week, but I know he is out there trying.   I am hoping he catches a big one as he will be bringing it on in and cooking it up . . . I'm ready.

A sign of the times....we should be paying attention  and spending a bit of time on our knees wouldn't hurt a bit.

Don't laugh, you are heading in the right direction and it is a wonder that it takes so little time to get there.

Today I am going to write about Irish words.   A friend loaned me a book called "The Frecken Book of Everything Irish" by Cohn Murphy and Donal O'Dea.    I grew up with an old Irish woman who had the gift.  She probably could out talk and outdo anyone with her words.  If you  are not Irish, don't be sad as we usually adopt you on St. Patrick's Day.  On the other hand be glad as you could wind up thinking or speaking like the old Irish.

"Come home with one arm as long as the other."  Meaning, be unsuccessful in an enterprise.

"Constipated Greyhound" . . . or down in the dumps.

"dry shite" . . . Someone limited in verse or social skills.

"he'd steal the sugar out of your tea." . . . extremely mean

"thick as a cow's arse" . . . really stupid.   Um...I seem to remember those words.

"Sharks tongue that would clip a hedge" . . . very direct and hurtful.

"up the pole" . . . with child/pregnant.

and there were a few chapters to make you laugh out loud with tales to be told , even recipes.

"The midwife said that the agony of having a child could last a longtime.  I didn't realize that she meant eighteen years" a quote by Sinead Murphy, Irish writer.

"Bigamy is having one wife too many.  Monogamy is the same."   Poet/Dramatist Oscar Wilde
 My children's grandfather used to think of himself as a 'Count' and would ask his children, 'have you met anyone you think is better than yourself?'' and they learned very early they were just as good as anyone else . . .. and they were.  So today ask yourself the same question and be sure you have the right answer as I know each and everyone of you are 'the best' . . . Go with God . . . be kind, gentle and loving especially to yourself and save a bit for family and friends.    Be Irish today at least in thought and deed.   ' Erin Go Braugh' could be an Irish blessing or 'up yours' depending on the 'who' you meet up with today.     Show them how to smile with their eyes and how to walk into a big hug and don't waste a second of your time.    Hugs to all.

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