Friday, May 3, 2013

Return Trip

Our lovely Wendy.  Bob and Andrea are so proud of their lovely daughter who keeps them supplied with beautiful pictures  and stories of life in Japan.

Here are Mrs. Takagi and Ms. Yuzawa who kept Wendy company as they strolled through the beautiful gardens a few miles out of Tokyo.

It certainly looks like a wonderful place to spend a lovely summer afternoon.    How beautiful to see the varied flowers and trees.   The white wisteria is lovely and seems to come alive in the picture.

The purples shine in this Wisteria tree.   It grows so tall and wide.  

I wish this were true so I could spend the money to go on a trip to  Tomita and Ashikaga, Japan.  I'd love to meet Wendy and hear her stories.  I'd love to see some of the wonders and meet the people.     I marvel at the beauty of the gardens especially after they suffered such a horrendous earth quake just a short year or so ago.     There are more pictures to post coming soon.

Yesterday was Prayer Day and I didn't hear anything on the television or radio about celebrating it, but the prayer meeting at City Hall here in Brookings was well attended and a success.    I wish I could plant a Wisteria Tree in front of City Hall and let it stand for Hope;  maybe when folks saw it they would marvel at its beauty and immediately say a short and meaningful prayer.    Yesterday was also a long hard day for daughter Pat as she wended her way over to say good morning and a very drunk or drugged up lady plowed into her damaging the front fender.   Pat tells of not being able to move out of her way as she was all over the road and out of it.    The police  came and all was reported but not before Pat spent hours at the DMV waiting her turn;   talking to the Insurance Company who had no record of this woman and a stop to find out about the damages and the cost.     So our prayer yesterday was one of thanksgiving as Pat is fine and the car can be fixed.  As for the woman, I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.  

Son John is busy doing my honey-do list and added a few things on his own.    It is so 'nice to have a man around the house' . . . especially one who likes to help and make things right around here.    He bought some kind of a tank deal with 'kind' chemicals to spray on the weeds.   He bought some filler to put in the cement driveway as there is a long crack running along it.  Hopefully it will make the driveway look good.  The new collapsable hose works great and is a real pleasure to use, light, covers a lot of ground and so easy to use.    What a wonderful new tool for garden use.  The list isn't very long so the windows will get their annual bath and I'll be able to see out once again.   

Take good care today, as I have said many times, we never know what the day will bring.    We all hope for good things but we just never know what is in store for us.    Be sure to keep your eyes open and know your limitations.  You are smart enough not to drink and drive.   You are also smart enough not to put chemicals into your body that will destroy your mind.   You are smart enough to keep the new gadgets at your beck and call, not visa-verse.    At lunch with my friend the other day she had three phone calls.  Being in a self business she answers all calls but what a waste of her private seconds when she should be relaxing long enough to enjoy a meal or a short bit of privacy.    So, I guess my thought for the day is to remind you to be your own boss . . . you call the shots . . . and give yourself a present of seconds to use just as you desire;  don't be at the beck and call of  fears and temptations.      Hugs to all.

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