Monday, May 13, 2013

Day One Into The Redwoods

Of course it is summer and the repair crew is out in full force . . . wait . . . stop . . . go . . . wait!

Into the redwoods heading to south on 101 early in the morning, aah . . . cool.

Slow going, caution flags, traffic ahead but who cares, look a the redwoods and smell the pine...aah!!!

Riding into the mist.

Turning around a corner and there you have the wide open ocean

There are cows in the field

The road winds and the trees change shape

and just when you think that the fog has gone you see before you a pea soup fog and you drive into it and wonder at the eerie mysteries surrounding you.
 Good morning.   We are back from our six day jaunt and you are seeing pictures from a moving car.   I have a plan to do a series called just that . . . Pictures From a  Moving Car. . . and I have already started a collection and will add these to them.   I plan to put words with the pictures as I do my story poems telling you all about where they are and what you see.

Meanwhile this was the very beginning of our trip early Wednesday morning, last week, when we started off in a rental car that was more van like and very posh as it was comfortable with plenty of leg room.    These pictures are 'old hat' to my children and me as we have covered the miles many times.    Living in Brookings, Oregon , a rather isolated location, we have to ride either north, south or east to leave the area and it is always a good two and a half hour ride through mountain areas, along the width and breath of the ocean beside you.   Riding in and out of fog is like  a silent ghost movie as you see the shadows and shapes of all that surrounds you.  

We were going to stop in Eureka and check out Costco, not to buy anything special, but have a chance to stretch our legs and have our first look around to see what is new and different.  It felt good to get behind a big basket and push it around the store and exercise the body.    I saw lots of things I'd like to put in the car but maybe on the way back when we have a list of necessary items;  but, who knows what we will find in our travels.

We are going to go towards Loomis, California, where John has set a date to visit a friend.   We drove many miles through California wine country, small towns, and eventually reached a town called Williams and settled there for the night.   You will see pictures tomorrow.

I've missed you....missed the blog.....for a second or two....remember it was vacation time and I had many people and places on my mind.   My it's good to sit here and tell you a tale as I get ready to turn in after our trip back to Brookings today.     I hope you have all been doing good deeds and helping yourselves to fresh fruits and vegetables and 'minding your manners'  with a happy smile on your face and a lot of love in your hearts.   See you in the morning with more pictures.  Hugs to all.  

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