Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day Three Vacation -Pictures From A Moving Car.

What would we do without a laptop to keep up with family and friends while on the road.    I loved having the mouse as I cannot make the little square work with my heavy fingers.    One touch and the screen disappears.   

The beds were very comfortable.  The spreads very different than anything I have seen before as they were all crinkled and had a soft covering with lumpy within, not sure what but it was soft and warmth without weight.   

In the morning as we were leaving to 'hit the road' the jack rabbits came out to say goodbye.    We met a couple from Texas and the gentleman told us he came from Jack Rabbit country, then told a story of having jack rabbit stew and jack rabbit chili and paid twenty cents for the stew and twenty five cents for the chili.    He added they ate allot of stew. 

All through the California towns and country side there were wide open fields , some with new plantings, some with pickers already in a rich field of full growth although I do not know what was planted.   We passed some fields of well manicured grape fields as well as many apple orchards.   The valley stretches flat and wide and goes on for many miles.

Here are a few palm trees.  

A road well traveled and open fields on both sides.

We got to Lincoln and found a casino.   The Indian Casino takes up blocks with its huge hotel and the casino.  It is massive, a resort all by itself and the inside is filled with the latest penny machines which can go from forty cents to five dollars a machines....everything from Betty Boop to the latest television series.  

We had breakfast here in the lovely dining room and were the only customers early in the morning.   The waitress was happy to see us and we got her undivided attention.  The food was excellent and I asked if she would let me take a picture from the dining area out to where the machines are.   The big wigs frown if you take pictures on the floor where the machines are.  

This is the latest hand dryer in the ladies room.    I had no idea what it was and neither did three other ladies who were walking around looking for paper towels to dry their hands.   One of the workers happened in and saw the dripping three some and pointed to the holes and put her hands in to show us how it worked.    A blast when you put your hands in and it feels like you are about to lose them.   Two ladies declined and air    We old timers just are not up to date on all the latest gadgets.

This was my rest stop outside of a huge mall which I had walked and found I no longer have the energy to walk both floors filled with all kinds of stores.   I was lucky to make it from one end to the other, you know J C Penny's was at the long end of the mall.   I did pretty good but tired mid way, rested, walked on and on and wondered if I'd make it around the store.   A necessary stop as I had forgotten to pack panties and one cannot go around without the most important item of clothing.   I was not happy with an eight dollar and fifty cent tag though.    Inflation is with us as they used to be priced at $3.50 and I thought that was high.   I window shopped and walked into a shop where two young ladies were giving fee facials.  I should have had one but had a conversation about their products to find they had a special creme for $61.00.  She had to be kidding right?  Nope, that was the price for a tube of creme and the cheaper one was $37.00.  I was given a tiny sample to try and if I find it works miracles I can send for it and they will be happy to mail some to me.   So far it hasn't touched the wrinkles and the rosacha is as bright as ever.    My shopping days are over.  I just hope I do not change size or shape and my twenty-year old 'stuff' keeps going.  Sixty-one dollars for face creme . . . what is this world coming to?

 Okay, start singing . . . it's my birthday . . . eighty-nine today, now I can say tomorrow I am ninety even though I have the whole 89th to live through.   I'm bragging as I never thought I'd live to be eighty.    Each decade brings along something wonderful.    As you age you stay 'forty' forever inside;   the outside changes according to what you do, so remember to take good care of your body and your mind each day, every day, so when you get to be 'of age' you can get around and do all of the things you really want to do.    The mind will stay alert if you feed it the right combination of thoughts and aspirations, while the body needs good fresh fruits and vegetables and exercise.  Keep your bad habits but reduce them in size and remember to work on your attitude every single day.    Your faith will see you through;   Your smile will be your 'umbrella on a rainy, rainy day';  look up and look out and be that special person you are.    My thanks for the beautiful lovely cards and I received a surprise silver dragonfly in the mail yesterday . . . wow, a beauty and I'm wearing it today.    How lucky I am to have family and friends like you . . . thank each and ever one of you for the smiles, the hugs . . . I'm am truly blessed.     Hugs to all.

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