Friday, May 17, 2013

Catching up with Erin

Erick the artist does some really strange and wondrous work.   It reminds me it is time to pull my travel roads out and off for awhile and pick up on some of Erin and Donaleo's travels in Greece.

Here is Erin showing us a bit of the coast of Greece.   She looks great and is having the time of her life.   

She went for a dip in the ocean.   

I'd say the two of them look like they are enjoying life and travel.    We can't be a little bit jealous without showing it as we would all like to be tagging along enjoying the sights and sounds.   They have a list of places to see before they leave for home sometime around the end of July.     They will say farewell to all of the new friends they made and will have to fall back into that working mode.

This reminded me of Erin when she was this age.  There was an attachment that came in yesterday talking about falling asleep at the drop of a hat.     After Erin returns from her travels she might just repeat falling asleep standing up until she gets used to the change of time and pace.

This was cute, wonder how it stays in place, one turn and ouch!

It is Friday, all day, a weekend coming up for us to enjoy.    Daughter Christine has returned to her home and arrived safe and sound.  She was a bit tired but happy to be in her own home.   We will miss her until she returns and luckily it will be in June so I don't have long to wait to enjoy some of her time.    Son John is back on the honey-do list and is tall enough for me to have him remove all those lovely glass vases from the top of the cupboards so I can wash them and make them shine and be even more beautiful.  I don't know about you, but I love glass pieces from vases to dishes and enjoy the sense of shape and colors.      The sun shines through the windows and catches the color and I have rainbows inside.     The outside is colorful right now as the rhodys are in bloom.  There are deep purple, pink and red ones that are huge in size.    We have some showers going and it is cool, an Oregon day.     I hope that each of you have a wonderful weekend enjoying the weather, the ambiance of your home and the folks who surround you with a little of the love you have shared all week.     If you have been to busy, then get busy. . . and make up for lost smiles and hugs, one can never have to many.     Share YOU today and  don't be surprised when someone special tells you how wonderful you really are.   Hugs to all.

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