Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Old Friends

An unusual picture of the dandelion before it changes to its prominent yellows.   If these grew in our yard and covered the grass, I do not think we would mind at all.     
This is the picture birthday card from granddaughter Erin from Greece.    The bear looks ferocious.  
Erin tells us it is very hot over there in Greece and she is ready to jump in the ocean and cool down.   I found this picture of the mountains unusual and had fun looking around for faces and figures.    I see a gorilla, a camel, a face and a bird in flight.  I am sure there are much more to find but that's it for today, your turn.
Aah, the voice . . . I'd have to fight the ladies to get a date with this fellow. . . Sam Elliott, no wonder I like cowboys.
Wish someone had shown me this a long time back then I wouldn't have wallowed in self pity every time I made a mistake.  Some folks delight in making one feel stupid, dumb or useless when a mistake happens and they have a feeling of superiority.    Mistakes are how we learn.   The more we make the smarter we are . . .I said so.    

I had company yesterday, a very old friend from way back came to visit with his significant other and we had a really lovely visit that ended much to soon.    They are on their way to dispose of many household items in their lives and are going to live on their huge sail boat and head out to Spain and then see all that they can see for a long time to come.    I have been invited to join them sometime later and visit for a month but I doubt I can travel that far anymore.   Maybe . . . time will tell.  Just think how exciting that is and I wish them God-speed and good health.     I hope you have an old friend stop in to visit.  It is so wonderful to revisit the old days and the good days when time, good fellowship, love and hugs were there for the asking.     The laughter prevails as old tales come to mind and you take the time to revisit forgotten memories that bring so much laughter into life one more time.  What a feeling of joy to have a visit from a friend you haven't seen in years only to find that time means little and it feels just like yesterday as you grin, hug, smile, laugh out loud and remember how precious friends really are.     So treat yourself to a friend today, old or new, and enjoy the camaraderie, the laughter , the hugs and the whispered words of I love you.  Bring some joy into your life as soon as you can, or go and visit an old friend and bring some joy into theirs.   Hugs to all.

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