Saturday, May 25, 2013


Memorial Day . . . which used to be called Declaration Day . . . whatever it is called, it is a day to remember and a day to declare special in honor of all of those who gave their lives in every war for liberty.

A few of the old posters from World War II.    We did get together, like we always do when there is trouble and the need to fight.   We are not and never have been cowards so hopefully we will see changes made to bolster our fighting men and women and help keep the safety of America always number one.     Times are changing so keep your eyes open and remember you have a change every November to help the change come along.  

Flags, marching bands, floats in all of our towns throughout the USA.....Memorial Day.....Make it a good one.  Get out there and clap and shout as your flag goes by.    Be proud you are an American.    Now get to work to be the best one you can be.   Remember to vote each election it is a privilege and an honor.     Keep your eye on what is on going all around you and try to make your neighborhood one of the very best.    It starts with each on of us . . . so be proud, be careful and be happy.
Yep, smile with your eyes, walk into a hug and sing out loud...."My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of  thee I sing....."    Hugs to all.

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