Monday, May 6, 2013

A Sunday Ride

Soon the big Kite Flying Festival will be here and folks are out practicing already.    We got to the beach area just in time to see a couple of the kites coming in for a smooth sand landing.   

The big sea lions love to sit at the end of the boat dock.    They don't seem to mind those camera snapping folks who walk down close to them, but not to close.

There wasn't a flat surface the sea lions didn't find.  The bay had an unusual number of them barking and basking in the cool of the misty fog.   Our ninety degree day that kept us sweltering the day before was only a memory as it turned to 'normal' and we had a lovely cool foggy day.

King of the hill and very noisy.  I think maybe the thunder that was rumbling made it sit up and take notice.   It really sounded good as I haven't heard thunder in awhile.   A sprinkle or two and we were very happy to have our coastal weather back. I just said ... yeah, I'm not a fan of blistering sunshine anymore.

We stopped in at the Chart House for our fish and chips and found it crowded.  We didn't stop to read the sign, just took a picture of it so we stood for some time before we read the sign and found our way to the counter to sign in.   One lovely young lady came over and offered me her seat, very nice and very sweet.   I went over and sat beside her friend and was introduced.  One young lady was Cleo and the other Karen.  Karen was from Grants Pass and Cleo from Crescent City.  I learned Cleo just lost her husband a month ago and was trying to manage the bike shop business and down size.   She told me she was deaf in one ear because of a bear in the road and when she hit it, the air bag opened and she got the brunt of it in her ear.  I mentioned she had an unusual and lovely name and she said when she was in school the kids use to tease her unmercifully .  I told her the children would always find reasons to tease and it was no different today.   Our name was called so we went to have our lunch...John tried the fish tacos and they looked very good with a feta cheese topping which is different than what we have here in Brookings.    I had the usual fish and chips with slaw and enjoyed every bite.     I know, I know Andrea and Bob,as you are reading the blog this morning,  you are thinking it is time to come visit....well hurry up there is plenty of fish and chips to share. 

One of the warning tsunami signs on the rocks reminding all to be careful as the ocean changes quickly and the area is not safe.

The ocean was calmer here.  Over in Brookings area the charter fishing boat had to turn back as the waves were breaking over the bow.    The captain wasn't taking any chances with his fishermen.      The ocean can change in seconds from calm  to stormy seas..

Of course I had to show my son the new gaming machines so we stopped at the one in Crescent City as well as the one closer to home.    It was one of those days that was a fun day as the machines, although they rarely pay big bucks, let the games come up so you could enjoy the screens and win a few 'pennies' .  I came home with my own money and a few pennies extra so when I get up there to Lake Tahoe, Reno and Carson City on my mini vacation I'll be able to try a few of the new machines there.  I'll be taking off this week so if you do not see the blog for a few days know I'm off having a peek at my old haunting grounds and visiting a special friend, the last of our old group;  seems strange as there were seven of us who chummed around for a lot of years. Age has a way of catching up with us, so make the best of your time and do the things you want to do now . . . don't wait until you retire, or for next week or next month.....follow your instincts....take your vacations.....share you and your time with those you love....don't put off for tomorrow as it may not be as you hoped . . . live today . . . seems there is an adage about yesterday long gone and tomorrow never comes as it is 'today' . . . so live your 'today' and make it special, just like YOU.  Hugs to all.

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