Tuesday, May 28, 2013

PoliticaL Humor

Great imagination;  Great Shot;   Titled "As It Should Be" . . . An honor that never goes out of style.

Maybe it was the Red Hat Ladies, now maybe they would join up with the tea party folks and add a few more 'crusty' dames to the play. . . I wouldn't want to fool around with those who have a mind for good times and good deeds.    

Makes me wonder if they will be knocking on doors.

Usually the Office of the President does bring about some physical changes in the man holding the position.   and I am supposing this one will do no different although he is starting from a very 'young' age.  You do have to hand it to the political cartoonists.  Such imaginations and such fun to see what they do with the current headlines.   

Son John and I rode over to Crescent City yesterday in a teeming rain.    The rivers are running high and the gray mists didn't move away.    It is still a bit chilly around here and the furnace is kicking in but then May is ending and June may bring about a change.    I had hoped for a couple of walks on the beach with my son before he leaves this week.   It has been such a joy to have him home for a short while.    He accomplished much and even took time to build Pat a few shelves in her old broom closet.  She  now has a pantry and is smiling as she fills the shelves.    She cooked up some shis-ka-bob's on the grill and a special Bulgar type salad which was delicious.    The chicken was marinated in some kind of a lemon rub which had a lot of flavor.    We had Key Lime Pie for desert with a cookie crust from Freddy's.  I didn't have time to bake but Marie Calendar does a great job.     We watched a Star War movie, which came out in 1990, introducing us to the young men who would eventually be the team we watched in the series for years.   It was well done and we enjoyed it.   Leonard Nemoy was in a few scenes playing Spock in future years. There is a new one out this year which should be fun to watch.    

Our new week begins and as usual there is much to do.    How lucky we are that we are able to have our lives in control.   I think of those folks who have been left with devastation and have to pick up the pieces of their lives and start all over.   The lost possessions are 'things' and can be replaced but not without a pang of a heavy heart as those 'things' were an important part of their every day living.     Until you have lost all of your possessions, trinkets, memorabilia, and all of the important documents that make your world go round, you can't even imagine what the word devastation means.   I've been down the road a couple of times in my lifetime and even though these 'things' seem important, it is the bonding and love that has the most meaning which will pull you through anything and everything.    So take a look at your 'ties' and make sure they are not knotted up.    Be big of heart and mend any and all broken fences....for...life is much to short to waste any of your seconds on 'things' it is the human hearts you love that are most important.    So go hug a few.    Hugs to all.  


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