Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Eating In or Out

Granddaughter Erin found an big bright orange to eat as she ambled through the market place in Greece.

she sent this picture along ...I think I like my meat packaged.

Now this is a clever idea and I am wondering if it stays fresh.  Salads are hard to make ahead and keep.  According to what was written in the instructions one has to remember you have to work from the bottom up.  Dressing first, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, sun flower seeds, hard boiled egg and baby spinach.  You can add your favorites like cucumbers, mushrooms, onions but the dressing is always on the bottom and the lettuce on top.  Arrange the makings in a Mason Jar.  It can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. When ready to eat, shake the jar put your salad on a plate and enjoy.   And as an after thought the instructions mentioned you should always remember to vacuum seal the Mason Jar and its contents......well then I guess it does do the trick and worth the effort, although I think I'll stick to my big plastic bowl with it's cover.

A lime and cloves make for a refreshing aroma.   I like my cloves stuck into a nice big ham.

Here I am in all my glory.    John, Pat and I went to O'Hallorans restaurant to celebrate Pat's birthday.   They specialize in ribs so you know what I had.   Pat had the salmon bisque and it was fabulous.    I'd like to know how to make it as the salmon season is about to begin.    I'm sure John took more pictures but didn't post them.   He missed a great shot when the waitress brought over a huge piece of lemon cake with a big blob of creme with strips of chocolate and our spoons were at the ready . . . it didn't last long . . . yum!!

Yesterday we had a yard day and spent time at the back end of the garage, the ditch area, and John cut back the big overgrown hedge that grows tall and wild.   There is no reaching the top part but scaling back the side seems to keep the growth  out of the ditch.    It is not a pretty bush although the birds seem to like it and have nested there.  The birds were out screeching yesterday telling us to get lost and leave their place alone.    I filled five huge black plastic bags, so next is a stop at the local dump.   Today is hair cut day and then packing for a trip to Nevada.     John rented a car yesterday, looks comfortable and we will be taking off within the next day or two.     I'm looking forward to a vacation as it has been a long while since I have been on a road trip more than two hours away from the coast.    

I'll take my camera and hopefully come back with a lot of interesting pictures.     Meanwhile I hope you are planning a vacation this summer and enjoy a change of pace.     It doesn't have to be far, or to an expensive spot, just a change so you can relax and give yourself some breathing space.     All work and no play makes for a type A personality and we all know how hard it is to keep that pace up.   If you decide to stay home, turn off all the gadgets and go outside in the shade and vegetate.    Enjoy yourself and don't forget to smile with your eyes, walk into a hug or two and hum a lot.   Know I'll be passing out as many as I can and taking snapshots along the way.    I'll be back . . . Hugs to all. 

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