Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Angie added a new family member this past week . . . Crackerjack, on the left, who has found a new and loving mistress, a new friend and playmate and his world has changed from bad to good.

Angie posted this picture on her Facebook showing a pollen storm up in the Sierras.   It is that time of year as most of us can attest to.  Glad I am not in the middle of that yellow mess;  just think of the sneezing that is going on up there.   Mother Nature lets us know which season we are enjoying . . or not.

Now this is a very unusual cat.  Look at the combination of colors.   Striking with its eyes of different colors and a lovely dark patch in the orange fur.    I have two cats making my yard the play ground of the neighborhood. I don't appreciate the gift of poop but then I don't have as many rats to contend with.  One is pregnant and seems to think under my back porch is a safe place.  Wonder if I should take bets as to whether it goes there to have the litter.   I have no idea who the owner is, but I hope the new mother will carry her babies home to their own place. . . no . . . I do not want a cat or kittens or anything that needs to be cleaned up after as I've been there and done that.   

What a little beauty and the smallest horse in our world.

Now you see me, now you don't;  a salamander hidden in the leaves.  A rare creature and I bet not as brittle as the leaves.  

I had my first visit on Skype yesterday.    Andrea called and I got to see her lovely face on my screen.   What fun it was to see her house and yard and even get to admire one of her pictures on the wall.   We are living in such a fabulous new world of electronics and I marvel at the changes that take place almost on a daily basis.    I was a little timid about having Skype on my computer, and no, I do not have a camera, so count your blessings.   

Christine was busy working 'at home' so I got busy and went out to do a bit of yard work.   I thought the lawn mower was fixed and worked well . . . maybe for someone, but certainly not for me.   That damnable piece of old machinery wouldn't move for more than a second or two and I got patches of high and low. I may try it again today, but I have to wonder why it doesn't work for me as son John said he didn't have any trouble with it . . . oh yeah!!  Now I'll tell one.     I did manage to get a couple of bags of 'cover' in the side area where it seems to want to cave in.   I worked long enough to tire myself out and then wasn't sure I could get all dressed up for dinner out.  Christine was treating me.    I managed, when it comes to food and treats, I'm always at the ready.    It was well worth the effort as my cod fish and chips were excellent.

So work hard today and use some of your energy up, but not all, save a little in case you get an invitation out to dinner.    Who knows, maybe there is a surprise or two in store for you today.  I hope so.    If not, then you be the instigator and make someone very happy and you treat.     Pucker up and be on the receiving end of a kiss and I guarantee you will smile for the rest of the day.  Hugs to all. 

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