Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Ideas

How about an all wood tub;  sure is a beauty.  It looks a bit slippery to me, probably could get in but doubt I could get out again.

Hey John, a great idea for your office closet, no ocean view but I'm sue we could find a picture and make do.  

Looks like the artisans have been very busy.

Now here is an excellent idea for the holidays and gift giving.  

Moon, what moon, stormy weather. . . well hope all of you that did see it enjoyed the view.

This certainly looks like a good place to visit but I wonder what it is like in a huge storm.  

It is always fun to chase new ideas but some are very fattening or a bit daunting, or more expensive than one wants to put out in pocket.    It is Tuesday, all day, another stormy day and I have a check up to go to; semi annual now as I age.   All I have to do is convince the doctor that I am like a bottle of good wine and age to perfection.  My blood tests results stayed the same as last visit so I guess I'm good to age a bit more. 
The furnace is back on as the storms come in cold and dark and the ocean comes alive with big waves.   We only have another day or two and then have been promised heat and sunshine and I can turn it off again.   The blessing of storms is that no watering has to be done in the gardens, but it also means the new fellow, Rocky, may not show up although I have high hopes he will when the weather changes.    A new man to do some yard work, sure hope he comes back and is able to fit me into his schedule.    The hedge seems to be growing taller by the minute.   
I hope your today is filled with sunshine and you finish up your projects and find a little time for yourself before the day is over.     A little quiet time never hurt anyone I know of.    I'd say a break makes for new energy and the renewed strength brings on a feeling of accomplishment which each one needs to keep up your self worth.    When you are pleased with yourself then you make your life bright and beautiful, just like you.    Smile with your eyes and give some one special a hug today.    Time marches on, so stay in step and march right along with it.     Hugs to all.

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