Sunday, February 24, 2013


How about this kind of advertising from an Australian Tourism website, a Signature Staff Photo.   I always thought I might like to visit Australia but I haven't found anything in the ad to convince me that I should go there.  I hear there are opals to just pick up off the ground and that was something I thought I'd like to go and do.    I think I've changed my mind.
And that is the truth.   Just know how much you have accomplished already and keep up the good work.  How are you doing for lent?   I hope you gave up something you really enjoy, but not someone you really enjoy.   A Cross Your Heart Photo sure makes for a sunshine day.
A picture from Nevada.   I miss the high desert and all that goes with it.    I may get to visit there again this year and I am looking forward to that.     Son Michael has a view from his place very similar to this.    They have enjoyed more cold and snow this year and that is a good thing as it makes for a much better water year.

So what are you going to do with your Sunday?     The sun is trying to come up against a very pale blue sky, just a tiny dark cloud or two, so maybe the big storm has bi passed us and I'll take a walk around the back yard and see what kind of jobs are waiting to be done.    The 'tea' tree on the side yard has sprouted into a round ball that looks like one of the hedgehogs.    The weeds have taken over in spite of the ground cover, pesky determined and growing faster than they need to.    I can see some beauty in them but not enough to allow a take over.    So today, take a look around your yard and see what kind of a list you have to make before you go to the seed store and start planning your garden this year.   I may buy one of those big half barrels and try a very small garden on the back porch where the sun comes in on occasion.   Here on the coast we see a lot of rain . . . wonder if there are seeds that love to grow in the rain.   Yeah , weeds. . . you are so funny, I can hear you in unison.
I'm off to watch my Sunday morning variety program and refill my coffee cup.   Aren't Sunday mornings wonderful, no rush, no hurry to get dressed, time for yourself and that is something we all need....that's what Sundays are all about...a day to rest.....join me and rest a little.   Hugs to all.

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