Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

And the sun was shining in the morning but oh what happened in the afternoon . . .

Pictures from Andrea and Bob showing a surprise snow storm in the desert of Arizona.  Yes, they went for a walk and enjoyed it as they remembered like days when they lived in the Sierras.    

Our friend John M. received this picture from his friend.   Can you imagine opening your door to this?   Wonder how long it took him to dig out.

A satellite picture of Lake Tahoe from space.    a real gem, so beautiful and this year covered in snow.  the storms have been many this year so the water supply will be good come summer.    I kind of think of a big foot print as I look at the picture, a little like Big Foot.

Moonalice has a way with pictures and words.      Finally one  that fits me.   

So today, if you are feeling normal, good . . . if not that isn't all bad either . . . enjoy your weather patterns as there really is nothing you can do about it.  '  Let a smile be your umbrella '  and hum your day away, or get out the shovel and make that stingy path a bit wider so folks can pass bye.    Just remember it just doesn't last forever and soon you will be watching the yellow jonquils popping up right through the snow.     Don't forget to go out and buy some valentines and make  those special people in your life know how much you really do care . . . something we should do every day even if cupid is not around to remind us.     How lucky I am to have YOU to care about . . . wouldn't have it any other way.     Hugs to all. 

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