Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I remember the first day I got a look at a computer room, huge machines that were really frightening.   We were going to learn how to use that big machine on our desk and we were going to cut our work time in half.  It sounded great and we were all anxious to take a turn but learned quickly that slash back sign was what we needed to know as if we went one step beyond we lost all our information.    I can still here Angie hollering across the room . . 'don't touch that key' ;  well, isn't that what keys are you lost your work, started over, and soon you were an expert until the changes came.

There are days I feel that that.    I'd be lost without my computer;  a gateway to the outside world of family and friends.   Six years of blogging and you haven't shut me off yet.  Um  . . . some folks just appreciate words.

I got a kick out of this true, amazing how words change in their meanings.

Aah, the first sip of coffee....I think I have one eye open.     It is 'hump' day or what we used to call 'mid-week' and it meant the end of the week was in sight.   How we rush our lives with thoughts of passing time quickly so we can get on with something else, rather than relax and enjoy the seconds as we get them.    The time to live is this second, not with thoughts wishing them away for future seconds that are yet to come .   I call it wishing our lives away.     We all do it.   Not a crime.   But, think a minute and realize how much we miss making this moment a special one.   Oh, it is okay to make 'future' plans and look forward to some good times, but not if it takes away the 'today' you have and are working on.   It only takes a second to change our world, so don't waste your seconds thinking about tomorrow, next week, next month, next year; live today and make it a memorable one.   Learn to smile with your eyes, bubble up and give those around you the 'essence of you'.  Hugs to all.

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