Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Jennifer, what lovely eyes you have.   Yes, I'd like to be sharing a cup of hot coffee with you.  It has been a very long time.   I think this should be your signature photograph . . . and a very good morning to you too.

A very good thought for today.   Just think about the words then go about the deeds . . . be alive, breathe, think and enjoy and share the love.....words to live by.

And we blame it all on bad eating habits.  Now we know.   As you get older you will find that you have to move . . . you cannot just sit and do a lot of nothing.  The muscles cry for use and it is good to get up out of the chair, leave the computer and go for a walk even if it is only around the house.     The computer is wonderful for many reasons but it is always not so wonderful for other reasons.   Remember your health is number one on your to do list so get up and move a little, or a lot.

Two weeks into lent and it is amazing how the body adjusts to no deserts, just good fruit, vegetables and a little meat.  I made a jean dish for dinner last night and daughter Pat came over to work on the puzzle with me for a little bit.   She said the house smelled so good, what was I cooking and I said a jean dish.  She wrinkled up her nose but decided she would join me with a small taste only to find it really was a comfort food.  I am one of those pinch and snip cooks who opens a cupboard door, looks around, and takes a pinch of this or that and experiments with a not very complex dish.  So get out your big black cast iron pan, cook a hamburger patty all chopped up with a bit of water in the pan;  let it cook as you add a few chopped up cabbage leaves; a few asparagus tips; brown tasty mushrooms, onions of course, add a shake or two of Worstershire sauce, cover and let simmer as you put some elbow macaroni to cooking and then make up a little cheese sauce to go on top of it all.  I throw a little cheddar cheese, milk and flour together.   Put it in a casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for about twenty minutes and voila!!! a comfort dish with vitamins to build your body to a healthy and hardy future, just another baked macaroni dish.  It is pretty tasty so try it and you may find you like it.

So today, take time to share a favorite recipe with someone you love.    Healthy food should be enjoyed every day so you keep your body and your mind as it should be;  bright, alert, full of energy and all that comes around to feeling good and when you feel good you smile and when you smile you make someone happy and when they are happy you are happy . . . and your world goes on high tones as you hum or sing out loud being glad to be alive, alert and 'full of beans' as the oldsters use to say . . . sharing is good for you, uplifting,  be it food, laughter, hugs or a smile from your eyes.    Hugs to all.

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