Friday, April 19, 2013


The caption on this story was 'What if different species could mate?'. . .Redditor Gyypimagines imagines just what the species would look manipulations..."Weird Animals"    Reminds me of a movie and a book which was called something like the "Island of Dr. ....." don't remember the name, but it sure was an ugly story.  

spoils our beautiful American symbol

my thought is I hope the dog bit the shark's head off....yuk. and more yuk . . . not my cup of tea....seems ugly and unnecessary, a waste of imagination.    
Thomas Hobbs , 17th Century English Philosopher said "only where it is possible to punish the wicked can right and wrong have any practical meaning, and that requires 'some coercive power,"   Wonder if he was thinking of people with weird imaginations.

then "No Korean officials reportedly are planning a cyber attach on the U.S. A. in an effort to bring our economy to a halt.  Nice try guys, you're five years too late."   Jay Leno, comedian.

I'm laughing out talking to you about weather!!!!

It is Friday all day....TGIF......that day....the one we wait for all week so we can have a whole weekend to do whatever it is we choose to do.     I had the sad task of firing Chon last evening as he went to my neighbors to cut her grass and had no intentions of stopping by to ask if I needed him to work in my yard.     I think the ditch and the hedge have proven too much for this sixty-six year old and he is adding more folks with just grass to cut.  He doesn't like to weed.   He gave me an excuse that he was visiting relatives in Mexico, but I know that he has been doing yard work for several others .  All he had to do was say he wasn't going to be able to do the ditch area and I would have been looking for someone.  It is a difficult job to do as the hedges are at least six to eight feet tall and mucking out the ditch itself is no picnic.A bad area behind the garage that I'd like to afford a culvert and a cement walkway before we get to the sink hole stage.   The city and the developer made the upkeep the responsibility of the home buyer, written into the basic development contract unbeknown to the buyers.    A difficult problem to resolve and those in City Hall will only threaten if you do not keep the area up.   
  Well, I have and have been stood up but there has to be someone looking for yard work, just hope they answer the call.    I supposedly have a man coming today, but it is going to be a day of showers, wouldn't you know it!  Well, I'm not giving up someone out there is in need of work and money to spend.
Meanwhile Pat and I are busy with the upcoming yard sale.   For someone who said there was very little for a sale . . . well it is the understatement of the year as the garage is already filled with lovely treasures of all kinds and we have had to spread out to the patio.  I'll take the camera with me when we get it all set up.    Take a good look and see if there is a bargain you cannot live without....really some very lovely collectibles.     So, I'll take my groaning and moaning away and go sulk over a cup of coffee and leave you to your own moans and just goes with the territory so don't be shy . . . it is okay to grouse now and then, it gets the juices flowing to do more good deeds for yourself and others.   Time to hum a merry tune, put a smile on the face and look forward to a 'good' day in spite of yourself....I'm humming....I'm humming. . . "It's a lovely day to day, for whatever you've got to do. . . "   Join me, and we will harmonize.  Hugs to all.

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