Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Erin and Donaleo and their hostess taking time out to  read up on a bit of history . . . or could it be a photo album?  wonder if it is a first edition?   whatever, it certainly got their undivided attention.

The hostess has a sweet little dog;  looks like it is a shaggy one, look at those friendly eyes;  wonder if it understands English . . . yeah, a pet on the backside is understood everywhere.

So our travelers are having the time of their life.   They are learning more and more about geography but mostly about people.    At the moment they are plotting and planning on leaving Istanbul, Turkey and going on to Greece.   Erin came down with a flu type bug so they are resting up and then will continue on to see a bit more of the world.    Eventually they have to think about returning and getting down to 'earth' but it isn't going to be easy as once the travel bug bites, it means a hankering for the wide blue yonder and there is so much more to see.  

Meanwhile, back on the farm . . . life goes on and daughter Patricia is recuperating from a tooth extraction.   She had to go all the way to Medford to have it done...doesn't seem right that our dentist here in Brookings couldn't do the job.    Our medical folks sure are playing some fancy games now;  it sure isn't like it used to be much to our dismay.    Their time now costs by the seconds they spend with you and they seem to have retired on the job and only do what they want to do.   Sounds like we have politicians around.   

So today, Tuesday all day, figure out what you want to do for yourself today.     Tuesday can become a ' be good to myself day' and be a bit selfish for a change.     I know, I know, I keep harping on your caring and sharing but if you do not take care of YOU first then how can you take care of others in your life.     So set your priorities and make each one fit into your 'mode for life' and get on with your day . . . Tuesday . . . doesn't that have a nice ring to it?   Put your attitude on top of your list of to-do's;    put a sparkle behind the smile;     grin a lot and oh, don't forget to sing out as you dance around your kitchen thinking of making something special for yourself.   I started my day with my favorite blue berry pancakes with real true maple syrup.   I treated me and after reading up on the spring sap run and the making of the syrup, I didn't have a guilty thought about the price;  in fact I thought it a great bargain.   Go...indulge yourself today, you deserve it.  Hugs to all. 

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