Sunday, April 7, 2013

Art Forms

Friend Sally does a good job of keeping the folks in Port Orchard, Washington apprised of the new work of the artists at the Sydney art museum.   The little seagull is the work of a new artist, Mimi Cernyar Fox.   Her gull is done up in acrylics, sand and watercolors and sand dollars on canvas.    A very interesting and delightful piece of art.

Two lovely ladies, Gozde Cetin and Gokce Certin of Istanbul, Turkey.   Granddaughter Erin says they are keeping her company and she is enjoying every minute of 'hanging out' with the sisters.     As you can tell from all the write ups, Erin is having the trip of a life time and enjoying every second of it.    She and Donaleo are discussing where they want to go on to visit and their thought process seems to be as far away as they can get . . . but we are hoping they will soon head back this way and catch us all up on their stories and pictures.. . well, we can't be jealous without showing it!

Daughter Pat and I went for a ride to the Port the other day to see how the incoming storms were making the waves behave.  We had thought a whale might spout as it went by but the white caps were many and far out so that means you can only see the moving ocean.   It was on the move during the storms as the beach was covered with drift wood.  Someone thought to build themselves a beach house, wonder if son John is interested in owning this lovely abode . . .

All it takes is one huge storm to come through and the beach is clear again.    A lot of folks go down and find driftwood pieces to do their art work or to add to their  lawns and gardens.  Some of the pieces resemble sea animals or the pieces make into some lovely baskets.      The size and shapes come alive and once in awhile you find a glass bauble or two.    We like to go beach walking and find agates but have to wait for warmer weather as it has remained a bit on the chilly side.    Spring is coming, we just have to wait awhile.

Here it is Sunday already, yep, time flies when your having fun.    Pat and I are thinking of getting her garage ready for a yard sale as the big weekend is coming up the first weekend in May.    It takes a lot of work and effort to make her garage into a 'shop' and get everything shined up and priced.    Each yard sale we go to we swear we will not bring home anything we cannot use....well it sounds good . . . one look at a beautiful piece of old glass or a book you have not read, or a shining pin from the fifties and you bring all of it home.     We do make good use of the things we have found in our rummaging, but there are only so many spots to display it.   Soon the house overflows with trinkets and no matter how often you change things out, there comes a time when there is just too much and it is time to get ready for a sale...well that time has come.    I wish you were close by and could benefit from some of the lovely pieces we have acquired.     I have a dozen collectible vases ...and I really do not collect vases...but each one has a beauty all its own even without fresh flowers residing in them.    Yes. . . Spring, the time of year when cleaning comes to mind;  windows to wash, curtains to launder, new paint job for the walls, carpet cleaning and so goes the list. . . all you have to do is find time to do it all.   Remember to hum, say a prayer or two for patience, put on the gloves and scrub away as you count your blessings and make your house a home.
There were three boats coming in after fishing all day.   I tried to catch them as they came closer but didn't adjust the camera lens to catch them.  They move fast.    I hear Ling Cod is being caught and I hope one of our friends catches a big one and shares.     The green ling cod is really delectable and is a very special treat.

Do something fun today.    No work.    A day off to do just as you please, sounds good to me.    Go, make use of your seconds and enjoy a little 'down' time with a lilt to your laughter, a smile in your eyes and an urge to give someone you love a really good walk-in hug, don't stand there wasting time . . . make some one, or two, or three smile today just because YOU walked into their space.     Hugs to all.

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