Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Parade

Fun time.  Where there is a will there is a way.     What a parade!!

John and Jo took a walk around New Castle and caught up with the Easter Parade.   It was overcast but it did not dampen the spirits of those who wanted to celebrate Easter Sunday morning.   Looks like fun to me.   We did our celebrating and I had some 'wild' ham for the first time and it was delicious, really tasted like ham, real ham;  along with it the Betty Crocker recipe for cheesy potatoes sure looked a lot easier that the old way of putting that dish together.  Son John was trying a new recipe with cheese that had horseradish in it.  I'll hear later how that came out and let you know.  Our asparagus was fresh and delicious too.  The strawberry short cake and the surprise favorite carrot cake were delicious.    Jock and is daughter Darcy and son-in-law Garry joined us and it was such fun to make new friends (for me) and relax in good company.    Darcy made some deviled eggs with bacon in them, very different and really delicious.   I had never seen them done up like that and she told me she sometimes adds some green olives which makes them tasty.  Something new to try; never thought to be adventuresome and make some new tastes when 'develing' eggs.  A really wonderful change for the taste buds.  Pat made a special dip of hummus which is very tasty.     Later I took some carrot cake over to Peat and Darlene as they were hungry for company.  They have a puzzle out and said it was one that if you found one piece then it was nothing short of a miracle as it is done up in shades of yellows with alike pieces;  another challenge.   They are always fun to visit and both are such courage folks.  They have adopted a new puppy and it is a Jack Russell terrier that was used as a puppy mill and has a way to go to get back in shape.   It's name is Rooney and although she loves to talk to you, she is friendly and funny and has a tail that is like a short stump that keeps circleling the air.   

A tiny church in a valley;   such a pretty sight.  

So March has gone by the wayside, Easter has come and gone . . .  but not out of sight or out of mind,  and if we band together and agree that we love Christ in Christmas and Easter we may get to celebrate forever as it should be.    Now to start a quiet friendly withdrawal from the Madison Avenue type of celebrations and return to celebrating our holidays, our religious holy days, in the spirit of Christ.     There is not reason ever given that says we have to spend every nickel we make on expensive gifts or crates of sweets, or overpriced meat.   We are grown up.   We can choose how we celebrate the special days in our lives.     There are no laws on any books that says we have to follow the money . . . or watch it go down the tubes . . . because we know the difference when being made a fool of . . . today. . . April Fools Day . . . and so far 'they' haven't come up with a spending spree for this day,  a good day to start becoming stronger and a bigger and better person because it is what you want for you and yours.  

Let us have hope, charity and love in our lives.    Let us start today to be the person we want to be.    Keep in touch with your family members and old friends.  Make new friends.    This is the season of beginnings;   sunshine and warmth will be coming along and before you know it vacation time.    Every season has a reason to celebrate.  How lucky we are.   Remember life is short at best.    Time is not your enemy, it is what you do with your time that makes the difference.    Develop your attitude and share that lovable you with your world.    Go, make today a fun day.   Hugs to all.

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