Wednesday, April 3, 2013


There is nothing as precious as a little bird with smiling eyes and a chirping beak to wake you up and say 'good morning'

Truer words . . . should be a billboard sign.

and there is always Maxine to make us smile . . . old crotchety dame.

It is Hump Day . . . Wednesday all day . . .  mid week . . . aah!!!   I am going to read to friend Russell today and wonder what book he will have at the ready as we finished "Wake Island", a book everyone should take time out to read.   It was well written and quite an interesting historical work.   It brought tears to Russell's eyes as his memories were awakened to the time he spent four years of his young life as a prisoner of war and he was not in the service but a civilian contract worker.    Over two thousand men suffered untold miseries and many died or came home almost skeletal from neglect.    War is hell and we are hearing more and more on the news about families having to take care of the young men and women coming home from the war maimed for life.   The television and our mail boxes filled with pleas to help them . . . where is our government?  why are these veterans not getting help as needed?    what is going on when billions can be spent and sent to everyone and his brother outside of our own country and let our own suffer.  It just does not make sense.    How much is neglect?  How much is scam?   How can we tell the differences?    It is a whole new world out there and I am not sure I like it and I'm betting you do not either.     Time to pick up our pen and write to our Congressmen and Senators and let them know how we feel about the job they are not doing.

I called in a yard man yesterday, licensed and all, expensive but he says he can get my yard shaped up. . . I hope he means what he says as there is a lot to do.  The three bags of clippings helped some, but not enough to call the job done by a long shot.     It has just gotten out of hand and for the first time I really miss being Katrina the Great. . . she has gone away and left me and it made me feel very sad.   There was nothing Katrina couldn't do . . . well she served her time and did well, so I guess I should be happy that she retired from my inner self and left me with memories to be proud of.    We are not prepared for our inability to keep up with our tasks.   A time when you realize where the 'blues' come from . . .um . . . time for a change and find new ways to keep the mind and the body working.     I know . . ."bossy gillis", now that has some merit, I can drive everyone crazy as I make sure every chore is done to perfection.   I'd probably be banned from the universe, so I had better think some more.   Got any ideas?     Meanwhile go about your seconds and think about how time flies and what you will do when your Katrina takes a hike.    Know you have to keep your attitude positive and a song in your heart and keep sharing love and laughter as it makes our world go around.  Hugs to all.

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