Friday, May 31, 2013

Dancing Around

Donaleo leading the dancers.   Looks like good exercise to me.    And . . . we thought the jitter-bug was wild, um. . .  could be jealousy on my part as my feet just don't work those high jumps anymore.

It looks like the President is going down in history as a wanna-be king, or a 'mad' queen . . . time will tell. 

Wonder what else is in the Obama Care bill;    we are finding out something new every day.    Nancy and her 'sign the bill so we can see what's in it' should be the first to go, along with a few of the others who are retired on the job....aah, change, how badly we need it and not Obama change as that is being short changed.

It is Friday,  TGIF,  so many are saying that today as they head for a nice long two day sabbatical to nowhere.    Rest...relaxation....a cook out maybe?    The last day of May and although I traveled a bit, had such a fun time, the month of May seemed endless this year.   I am not sure why, but it seemed more like sixty days rather than thirty-one.    The message from John is that he had a very long middle seat ride and got back to Delaware tired and weary.    He has to go through the change in time again and hopefully today he will take advantage of  down time and do a lot of nothing.    The nest is empty again, but plans are in the offering for another visit, probably around holiday time.    I have a start on the next honey-do list and forgot to remind him of the nesting birds in the front of the house, up, under the eaves.   Now if they didn't leave their droppings on the front porch as they flew in and out, I wouldn't  bother them, but they insist on being messy so they have to go.     Maybe Mike will be here before long.   Pat came by and invited me to lunch.  Thursday lunch at the casino is a five dollar special and they serve the best hot turkey sandwich around.   One piece of bread and double cranberry sauce with large pieces of turkey with gravy...yum.   Pat dropped me off at the door then went to find a parking spot.   I walked into the casino and decided to put a few 'pennies' in one of my favorite machines, thinking I'd only give it one chance to pay off as I've been 'feeding' it when I visit and it has been swallowing every penny up .... I won a jackpot just as Pat was walking in the door.  I couldn't get her attention but she found me just in time for the pay out... yeah for my'd like to do that at least once a week but I'm afraid it doesn't work that way.  

I had a telephone hug yesterday, a verbal one, felt pretty good hearing from my nephew who lives in Georgia.     He has reached his mid seventies, which I find very hard to believe, and is finding out what "I used to" means.    He is an avid gardener and a builder and cannot move huge rocks around or climb a ladder anymore.    He doesn't like it . . . well, we who have reached the 'golden years' can sympathize and remind him to relax and enjoy what he can do and move on to new and better ways to spend his time.   Remember to enjoy doing what you can do in its own time frame.    Develop a sense of what is best for you.    As you age and the body starts to deny you some of the delights of hard work, it is slowly showing the way to peace and contentment.    Cycles . . . a good word and a time to recognize and enjoy the changes, the slowing down, the time to smell the roses and a time to settle for a slower and more peaceful existence.     Attitude is what makes you love or hate this time of life.     Loving is so much more peaceful as acceptance is the name of the game of life.    So enjoy what you have right now, don't be concerned about down the road as you will find your way soon enough.   It isn't all bad, fact it is a lot of 'more of the same' only at a slower pace.     Find time for YOU;   find time to smell the roses and don't be afraid to 'dance in the rain'.   Hugs to all. 

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